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Rocky Style

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Everything posted by Rocky Style

  2. I thought that game was moved. I could also be hallucinating.
  3. We have a few games until the conference starts. It could be tried out in a live fire situation if say GT is another shut out embarrassment.
  4. I don't know if I agree with your first sentence but do agree with the last one. I would honestly be happy with just the fight at this point.
  5. I think if they could find how to really win a game and get that attitude back it would be a good thing. Remember all the last second wins I believe were that they had that mojo left over from the previous era.
  6. I've heard several of the songs. Was getting a good Lateralus vibe from what I heard so far!
  7. They have championships, sold out season tickets and have won big bowl games. National hype. Pretty good measuring stick.
  8. Well.... so that happened. Are you ready to get run over by a rambling wreck?
  9. I'm okay sprinkling it in but good lord it's depressing enough.
  10. I like that they mentioned the same thing I said in another thread. We need to stop hanging our hat on stuff from over a decade ago in our hype vids.
  11. First thing that came to mind when I read press conference!
  12. I am also interested in attending whatever your plans are than this game.
  13. YES! Let's hire willie T back with CJL D coordinator hehe. We would recruit well and win lol.
  14. I was wondering this myself. I was hoping for some of this.
  15. Am I making this up or did people react negatively in the crowd? It was one of the dumbest things a person can say.
  16. I made the joke before the game when they played the Avengers music. I said well their running back is about to Thanos our team when the game starts lol They never had a chance. They knew it, and everyone in the crowd knew it by halftime.
  17. I've also thought that many times in the past, but I have no evidence to support it. It's just that I don't hear the ambition.
  18. Hiking is awesome up here. There's stone mountain but that's kinda gimmicky, kennesaw mountain is fun. I also did BLOOD MOUNTAIN, which connected to the Appalachian trail I think. Lots of wineries up there.
  19. UCF was in a similar dumpster fire and they were able to turn it around with the right hires.
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