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Everything posted by Bull-Hornz

  1. IMO attributing last year's freshman is fair. Anything before that was mostly retaining previous Holtz recruits. I think CWT's first full class showed it's athleticism and speed. Also the team talent wise was in rough shape to say it should be recovered by one full recruiting season. Not saying CWT is the one to bring us back, just attempting to be reasonable.
  2. Interesting, according to this article Dabo has a rule that if a Clemson commit vists another school he risks getting his offered pulled. I guess that rule might not apply to bluechips though lol From some other articles I read, the coaching staff at Clemson was asked in advanced. The articles suggested that Mcloud and Cain were still strongly committed to Clemson. The boys were apparently just taking in the full recruitment process.
  3. How quickly we forget the fall and state of the team under Holtz...while the team did regress towards the later half of 2014, it was better than the previous couple years. There was fight and speed on the field in spite of some poor aspects of coaching. Anyone who doesn't think CWT should have this year upcoming year, knowing the state of USF atheltics, IMO should just be ignored...
  4. Alonzo Hampton expected to become South Florida secondary coach http://www.si.com/college-football/2015/01/02/alonzo-hampton-south-florida-secondary-coach
  5. Couple contributions... Here is a public link to the possible hire of Alonzo http://www.si.com/college-football/2015/01/02/alonzo-hampton-south-florida-secondary-coach I would surmise recruits do read the board as if you search for usf football TBP comes up rather high...
  6. It is funny though, I have watched FSU several times this year and thought they looked slow for a top tier FL team and made several silly mistakes USF made through the year. Compared to Oregon their execution looked like a slow motion reel (though most would). Also reminded me of our game vs Oregon which also took us to the wood shed.
  7. I heard we are going to run an offense similar to Oregon just a little more up tempo...
  8. Cheers!! Our little man recently turned 1. Goes by fast...
  9. LOL. I was expecting worthwhile takes. Guess we can't have everything
  10. Agree that there are pieces in place to put something together here at USF. I wouldn't use luck, just numbers. On paper, most of the coaches have looked like good hires for where we are with our program. Thus far, I haven't been of the opinion that the hires have just been flat out wrong. Maybe your understanding is different...
  11. SEC coaches Ron Cooper had a nice run (2009-2011) as a DBs coach at LSU, and could be argued to be comparable to Tom Allen's SEC experience. Though LB's are quite a deal more important. Wonder if Coop wanted the DC Coord job or maybe CWT thought he might be jumping ship and preempted him.
  12. I think change at this juncture is easy to get excited about. The line above not stating "our dc was good" is reason enough. Its true CCB didn't have a long enough tenure to truly judge him here, but I think it was a good move. He made some horrible decisions last year for a guy with so much experience.
  13. As most of you savy Bull fans know, in our short history the HC's we've employed have had issue with making changes at the assistant coach level. As much as I miss CJL, he was loyal to some bad coach's to a fault. Unfortunately for us, at least in the short term, I think this was part of his undoing... Same could be said for Skippy, though IMHO in a completely different and more disasters way As I mentioned earlier in another post, firing the coaches was the right move, regardless of how it plays out. The trajectory under the previous coaches was improving much to slow (if at all). While we might not ever know the totality of Harlan's involvement in the firings, it is clear that CWT made the decision to make changes. For his part, I think the hires and staff he put together when he first got here, and the possibility of T. Allen as DC, shows that he understands the importance of a good team. While it is easy to become overly skeptical given our recent history, this quality of not accepting the status quo, might be one of the best HC'ing traits I have seen from CWT. Let's just hope he doesn't get in their way, especially on offense. Statistically speaking, we are due for some good coaches. Most coaches have looked good on paper, so we are due, no? GO BULLS!!
  14. Funny how the video reminds me of the hope I had the team was turning a corner earlier in the season with some good showing against quality opponents (Maryland & Wisconsin).
  15. Here are some thoughts from Ole Miss fan regarding Allen possibly leaving... http://www.secrant.com/rant/p/54295811/tom-allen-interviewed-for-the-dc-job-at-usf/
  16. Earlier I wasn't sure but I think this is a smart move for USF. Regardless if you are a Taggart supporter or dissident, the USF football trajectory was not good. Do we truly need another year to figure that out, I think not. After this past year, its arguable we were trending upward, and even if that is the case, the improvement rate was much to slow in such an important point in time (conference realignments). So what do you do? Make some drastic changes, retool the coaches b/c you have to feel the talent is better than its been in several years. Best case scenerio you land just the right combination of coaches to make some magic happen. Worse case you are slightly worse than you would have been had the coaches been retained. What is evident is that USF was not going to be were it needed to be next year...
  17. If its true about letting all those coaches go, whoa... Not sure how I feel about it. Can we attract and pay good coaches? Will they have the latitude to get things done? Does this mean another bad season is in the forecast as we learn new schemes on both O and D?
  18. On a galaxy note (andriod os) and it pops up on every page new page open. It is to the point where I leave the TBP earlier than I would like bc it so intrusive...
  19. Every page has a pop up...what gives?
  20. I think the problem lies in CWT being to involved in the O. Halfway through the season I thought ther was some progress and I even thought we might turn a small corner. Something happened and we clearly regressed. I will say for such an ugly season I saw more fight in this team then I have seen in a long time.
  21. I think why I have been wanting to see more of Bench is b/c he seems to be able to read defenses better and make appropriate progressions and pick up the blitz. O well season is over now... I will say White seems to be tougher than I gave him credit for and has been playing with multiple injuries.
  22. Regardless of what we want to see, there have been bright spots and improvements among the bad play. Some positives I have seen are; I think Wulff is an improvement as OC CWT just needs to get out of his way, our team is no longer slow on D or O, and there is some young talent that I have not seen since CJL era. Taggart will get another year and we will have to go from there. Whomever is in charge of tackling and catching fundamentals needs to go.
  23. Clearly... (saracasm) I guess you missed over 50% of MW playing time this year. I think he has potential but I am not so sure he is the right guy. What is clear is that CWT did not give Bench a fair shot at QB and that his decision is not based solely on play and facts. If that were the case MW would have pulled several times this year and QF would not have touched a game time football this year.
  24. It's alive....it's alive.... How about we let Bench get all the first team reps, he wins the game against UCF and we cement what a dumb ass CWT is
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