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Everything posted by Bull-Hornz

  1. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2015/02/16/cu-takes-expensive-chance-hiring-defensive-coordinator-with-troubled-past/ Out in Boulder atm and it looks like CO media is not going to taking it easy on Leavitt. Seems like they took some cheap shots and when did a slap turn into a punch?
  2. We don't have much, but we do have a little momentum in recruiting so ya do whatcha gotta do, ya know? To thoughtful a response for such as thoughtless post
  3. Nice visualize though. Maybe they should ve moved into the OCS thread so they don't get lost
  4. How we digress ... to on OCS no less lol Win baby, WIN!!!
  5. Unfotunately, I don't think it's that easy when there is head coaching discontinuity. For example, the system you want to run will make a difference on the type of recruits you are looking for. But that is an interesting point you bring up. Are classes/stars year to year really quantitative or more relative? I am inclined to believe that they are relative to the class.
  6. A lot of people I talk to, including coaches, say USF is so close it's not even funny. I know you're biased, but do you see USF on the cusp of turning the corner? "Yes. ... I think Coach Taggart is doing a tremendous job. You've got to understand, he's trying to change a culture of kids in less than a couple of years. And what he's been doing is a tremendous job. I think he can do it. With the staff that he he has there, they can do it. You've got to understand, we were in a lot of those games last year. ... So yeah, he'll turn it around." Try showing half as much class as Coach Lockett does. Yeah. I don't think though that Telly has to say all of that to keep it classy. He probably believes CWT will turn it around.
  7. unless his defense is good in a bad year and they make him the HC He signed a THREE year contract. He's not stupid. LOL At $500,000 per year!!! CU football: Buffs set to pay Leavitt $500,000 a year New defensive coordinator will be highest-paid assistant in school history http://www.dailycamera.com/top-stories/ci_27493206/cu-football-buffs-set-pay-leavitt-500-000 That's a lot of green! Maybe they are hedging there bets with Leavitt as a possible coach in waiting.
  8. All we can say is CSH teams got progressively worse as he went deeper into his tenure. It was most likely a combination of many things. While last year was ugly and I think what really made things bad were our expectations were raised the first half of the year when we were competitive against decent teams like Maryland, Wisconsin, ECU and then regressed significantly the second half. Was this because CWT took over play calling from Wulff, CWT had difference with CCB on how D should be played and he could control the situation, I don't think we will ever really know. But however you want to slice it the team improved in almost every category offensively which went very horrible to really bad lol. This year we will see if CWT has what it takes. Apparently after Telly Lockette left, he still think CWT has what it takes: Telly Lockette: Taggart will 'turn it around'.
  9. -Leavitt Era- 2007 9-4 Recruits=CJL 2008 8-5 Recruits=CJL 2009 8-5 Recruits=CJL -Holtz Era- 2010 8-5 Recruits=CJL 2011 5-7 Recruits=CSH Fr (SH), So - Srs (JL) 2012 3-9 Recruits=CSH Fr & So (SH), Jr & Srs (JL) -Taggart Era- 2013 2-10 Recruits=CSH Fr (SH & WT), So - Jrs (SH), Srs (JL) 2014 4-8 Recruits=CWT Fr (WT), So (WT & SH), Srs (SH) 2015 0-0 Recruits=CWT Fr - So (WT), Jrs & Srs (SH) My only edit to your edit CousinRicky is to treat each coach the same their respective first years. They both basically inherited the incoming freshman classes their respective first years. In 2010, CSH's incoming recruiting class was CJL. In 2013, CWT's incoming class was CSH. As mentioned in the article of the first post of this thread, CWT's first real recruiting class was last year 2014 where several CSH upperclassmen were replaced by CWT true freshman. I think we both agree though the coaches need at minimum 3 years to see what they can do. This year will say a lot about CWT.
  10. Let's see if this helps... -Leavitt Era- 2007 9-4 Recruits=CJL 2008 8-5 Recruits=CJL 2009 8-5 Recruits=CJL -Holtz Era- 2010 8-5 Recruits=CJL 2011 5-7 Recruits=CSH 2012 3-9 Recruits=CSH -Taggart Era- 2013 2-10 Recruits=CSH 2014 4-8 Recruits=CWT 2015 0-0 Recruits=CWT Going by just win losses, CJL hit a plateau, CSH was trending downward, CWT could be trending up. What is a fact is that CWT has had one class of his own replacing many upper classmen from CSH recruiting classes. IMO CSH inherited a decent squad from CJL, and left the team in a bad state for CWT with a few exceptions.
  11. LOL love the binary arguements. While, like you, I don't agree with the trash talk, and I definitely not happy with last season for more than just that loss, I am not sure whether or not it's time to find a new coach. I think we will know more after this season. From the data though you have no basis for stating we are not improving. I do think the team was in a bad state so I am good with giving CWT another year. If something significant doesn't get fix this year though, it could indeed be Tags last year.
  12. Again, Holtz had the same issue only worse with his first year since he was hired only a couple of weeks before signing day. He only had 2 classes of his own yet people continue to pile on re: his recruiting. Sure but I wouldn't say CSH inherited a bad team. Can we say the same for CWT? Holtz teams got progressively worse. 2010 8-5 2011 5-7 2012 3-9 I am seeing some positives for CWT's teams. There is fight, speed, and athleticism that we haven't seen since the CJL days. He is making changes at the coaching level in places that are not working. Not enough data points but lets hope the tide is turning and we are heading in the right direction. 2013 2-10 2014 4-8 2015 ???
  13. Also tend to agree regarding CWT's QB assessment being suspect. I am not sure CWT is the guy, but I think he needs a fair chance to get 'his' players and scheme in place. I can appreciate your sentiment regarding CSH but IMO he was part the reason for the nose dive of USF football on many levels including recruiting.
  14. Most freshman that played CWT first year in 2013 were also CSH recruits. CWT was hired in Dec 2012 and mostly inherited the 2013 recruiting class. So to your point, to be fair, CWT first class, where he scouted and chose his players, was the 2014 recruiting class and were the freshman that played last year.
  15. Really don't want to bring this up again but you do realize that Holtz was always coaching Leavitt's talent, right? While we could discuss this topic in great detail, let's keep it productive. Sure Holtz inherited players and I think our CB issues were there under CJL. Still, I don't think it's a debate that Holtz left the cupboard pretty bare. Freshman beat out Holtz recruits last year and we were better for it. Yes?
  16. I think we saw some flashes of more atheletic plays last year. Under Holtz it was painfully obvious that we had become slow and less athletic. One of the positives I took from last year was a major improvement in this regard. The other was that the team had fight in almost every game. Two major components neccessary for a competitive team that I believe were lost in the Hotlz era.
  17. ^ This. CWT first full recruiting class hit the field last year as freshman. The class before that was mostly keeping and honoring previous Holtz recruits.
  18. http://www.gousfbulls.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&ATCLID=209873017&DB_OEM_ID=7700 Link to USF's live NSD blog
  19. I also don't subscribe to needing a game changing QB for the team to show improvement. A good D, servicable QB, and good running back can do what we need to start heading down the right path. As USF fans we know this via the Andre Hall years.
  20. Funny we were just talking about this very subject here http://thebullspen.com/topic/99314-this-may-be-cwts-last-class-at-usf/#entry1357877
  21. I think many of CWT's freshamn recruits last year, particularly on D, showed flashes. My concern is whether or not CWT 'IS' the coach. To his credit it looks like he will be bringing in another good class despite the bad 2 seasons. 6 wins alone is not enough to determine whether or not CWT stays IMO, it depends on how the team progresses. While CWT has brought in another coach familiar with the spread and a new D coord, you have to imagine we will be going through another year of growing pains. If the team is trending up though I could see him getting more time.
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