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Everything posted by hbryan

  1. Simple Tagg is going to stick with Flowers and lose his job because of it. You'll have your request and Taggart will be looking for a job as a minor assistant in the following year. On top of that, Flowers will end up going to a 1AA program because a new coach will not have him as a QB. You win and then USF, Taggart, and Flowers lose. Yee Haw!!
  2. What is your take away from the second half of the game when the wet ball was no longer an issue and both teams started throwing? Your over-the-top QF love is unnatural and unseemly. Get with *_Eats_It, he can probably help you set up a "Flowers for Heisman" website so you can load the internet with your effusive QF accolades. My guess is that you won't get many page visits but at least you'll have a location where you can shout your approvals from the mountain top of the interwebs.
  3. It certainly looked like Dillon was expecting the ball to thrown to the sideline part of the endzone corner (he had position), not the backside of endzone. Only Taggart, Flowers and Dillon know for sure.
  4. Hear, hear!! Green Gogglers have turned into Green Gobblers, after a 20 point loss. If CJL was still coaching, everyone would be calling for his head on a pike.
  5. I think we get it, you LOVE Flowers no matter how horrible or unaffective he is. Congrats, but not recognizing his shortcomings will be your cross to bear this entire season. That and it will get Taggart fired before the end of the year. He is NOT a Div 1 QB and never will be, heck he's not even as good a runner as Grothe was back in his day. And lets not even try a Flowers/Blackwell comparison.
  6. Fullwood doesn't like to tackle, that much from yesterdays game is clear as mountain spring water. Keep him off the two deep until he learns how to tackle.
  7. Straight up football, FSU wins. No way around that. BUT... USF is no normal football program. We pull upsets... It's been a long time and we are overdue for an upset. It certainly would be a signature win for CWT and Co. What we need is crazy football and all bets are off if that happens! When CJL was around... CJL wasn't around for Clemson and Notre Dame .... We are over due for an upset win like those ... but sure if FSU will be one of those, though. True... but the 2010 season was CJL's team that Skip had not yet completely destroyed and/or dismantled... and ND was the first game of the next season. Our last flicker (?) before Skip completely destroyed the program. Exactly, there were still remnants of CJL's coaching in those players.
  8. Me too Matt, me too. I sat at the 50, about 10 rows up from Auburn's bench amongst all there donors and then made a beeline for the corner after the game to party with my peeps. It was a great game and a great season.
  9. Great research and I certainly hope you're right. My head is telling my heart not to be this optimistic and my heart always tended to rule when CJL was at the helm. CJL probably had that affect on his teams too and I haven't seen the same effect from Taggart. But the game must be played to see if you are correct or many of the others, which includes me. I hope I can eat crow as I haven't any in awhile with CWT leading the Bulls.
  10. Give it a rest already Brad. I know about 10 ppl that live within a few block walking distance of 7th Ave, white, black and hispanic, who haven't and never would knife anyone and who certainly wouldn't be at the Orpheum at 3 am. Your comment only cements your prejudice opinion of Ybor City as a whole, Richard Gonzmart as a Tampa (Ybor) business leader and an iconic restaurant that had absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy. On top of that, Gonzmart has provided much in monetary support for USFs athletic department, what a complete d-bag, huh. You toss all that out, like a monkey flinging **** at the zoo because identifying the culprits, their lives, and the venue wouldn't be PC. What a shame.
  11. Ybor City is NOT the problem, hip hop get togethers in Ybor late at night with a mainly African-American audience IS the problem. Blaming Ybor City is a PC tact to avoid the troublesome nature of what specifically occurred, i.e. A-A youth who have grown up without much male parental guidance or societal restraints on their abhorrent behaviour. TRUTH be damned, lets blame a city and ignore the elephant in the room. I think you hit on about every negative stereotype. Good job. I understand people are upset at Watson's death and yet another lesson form USF on how not to do public relations...but your comments says more about you and how you view people with different life circumstances and cultural differences than any useful contribution to this discussion. There is no elephant in the room or PC tact...but rather a murderer on the loose who has no regard for human life. Nobody died b/c of hip hop ... Hmmm, DJ hip hop late night at the Orpheum which draws in troubled utes, A-A utes gone wild at said location, murder and mayhem ensue. I guess facts can become stereotypical if you want to ignore them. I don't think ignoring facts and painting Ybor as some sort of horribly dangerous place that all should avoid addresses what actually happened, where it happened and by whom it happened. But go ahead and continue on your PC rantings. After reading your posts I don't have to wonder what political party you're associated with. Blaming an entire ethnic group isn't being real or speaking your mind. It's being prejudice and promoting stereotypes. Youth and alcohol use is a bad combo in any racial group. Any music mixed in can sway moods and emotions, that's not limited to hip hop. Ever been to a heavy metal concert? Rave? Classic rock? Reggae? You can name any type of music, and I'm sure there's some stereotype that's associated with it. So your "stating of facts" and lack of being "pc" only show the rest of us your true colors. Something tells me that maybe just maybe all crime in Ybor isn't caused by going African American hip hop heads. I think that the facts as you like to say would back me up on that. -Young Black Man Who Enjoys Hip Hop Spot on, Trom...and FYI hbryan is widely dismissed as a biased poster so most don't bother to even read his posts regarding race-related issues. Thankfully they're usually restricted to the Mad Cow. Methinks this should move there as well. Hmmmm, we'll have to see who is arrested for this heinous crime, won't we. If I'm wrong, I'll gladly admit that the venue and crowd made me stereotype the alleged culprits however, I don't think that will happen at all. This is a pattern that happens far too often across this country to somehow ignore it and blame an entire community or town.
  12. Who said you don't have to worry? If you went to the Orpheum that night, you would have been prime for violence if you engaged the troubled youths who have absolutely no boundaries. Hmmm, lets ignore the facts, shall we? Bottom line is don't go to those venues with that kind of crowd and then engage people who have no regard for life. It certainly doesn't matter what color you are or in what city you happen to be in and Ybor is not anymore dangerous than any other metropolitan area around Tampa. Facts, those damnable facts, won't allow you mutts to broad brush Ybor as sort of south Chicago killing fields.
  13. Ybor City is NOT the problem, hip hop get togethers in Ybor late at night with a mainly African-American audience IS the problem. Blaming Ybor City is a PC tact to avoid the troublesome nature of what specifically occurred, i.e. A-A youth who have grown up without much male parental guidance or societal restraints on their abhorrent behaviour. TRUTH be damned, lets blame a city and ignore the elephant in the room. I think you hit on about every negative stereotype. Good job. I understand people are upset at Watson's death and yet another lesson form USF on how not to do public relations...but your comments says more about you and how you view people with different life circumstances and cultural differences than any useful contribution to this discussion. There is no elephant in the room or PC tact...but rather a murderer on the loose who has no regard for human life. Nobody died b/c of hip hop ... Hmmm, DJ hip hop late night at the Orpheum which draws in troubled utes, A-A utes gone wild at said location, murder and mayhem ensue. I guess facts can become stereotypical if you want to ignore them. I don't think ignoring facts and painting Ybor as some sort of horribly dangerous place that all should avoid addresses what actually happened, where it happened and by whom it happened. But go ahead and continue on your PC rantings.
  14. Anybody catch ESPN's First Take this morning at 10 am? Horrible sportscasters and worthless reporting. ESPN is not very good. I hope CBS or Fox Sports can take much of their CFB programming because I hate watching that crap network.
  15. Ybor City is NOT the problem, hip hop get togethers in Ybor late at night with a mainly African-American audience IS the problem. Blaming Ybor City is a PC tact to avoid the troublesome nature of what specifically occurred, i.e. A-A youth who have grown up without much male parental guidance or societal restraints on their abhorrent behaviour. TRUTH be damned, lets blame a city and ignore the elephant in the room.
  16. Because QF is NOT a Div 1 QB. Against better teams, he will struggle more and the offense will end up being as one-dimensional as it was in the first half.
  17. Finally, something slick and I can agree upon. Baby steps happened back in 1997 with CJL at the helm, no reason to be taking baby steps nearly 20 years later, that's nonsensical even for a green goggler.
  18. I'm working on that approach each year BA...slow progress. I once got so upset, that my wife said, "Why are you so invested? The players & coaches have a lot more on the line, and seem way too upset for a guy just watching his school". So, she had a point, and I'm trying to keep that perspective. Looking forward to watching the FAMU game, and then attending the FSU game. It's been a LONG off season, and we have some setback going us (JUCOs who didn't make it, injuries & suspensions and a huge question mark at QB...but we're PLAYING in 7 1/2 hours! Off to get some chores done so I can enjoy my fantasy football draft at 6, and our Bulls at 7. GO BULLS! Jup, Are you going to be in town for the game? If so, look for me in 6D.
  19. More restrooms? Well to be specific, more ********........I'm sure. A secluded one-holer is preferred when you need to lose your **** after your team ***** the proverbial bed at yet another home game.
  20. Bowl? Bowl? Are you friggin idiots serious? Let me remind you again who the USF coach is...........Willie (Short Bus, Simple Tagg) Taggart who famously said he wanted QBs (and other players) playing Madden Football to gain the mental skills necessary for their position. A man who lost to McNeese State, FAU, and UCF twice in a row. A man who has had the lowest rated offenses in the AAC for both years as head coach. He's won 6 of 24 over the past two years for christs sake! A Shih Tzu would have a better chance of sniffing a Great Dane's ass than USF will have sniffing a bowl game. I'll be there every home game hoping I can give away enough tickets to fill my seats and will have serious reasons to cheer halfway through the season when Willie "Can't Coach for violation" Taggart has finally been, unceremoniously, shown the exit door. I'd eat my hat if that simpleton gets us to a bowl game.
  21. No but I did seem to de-wait the sentence before the future headline. The validation of my views concerning Simple Tagg are only a few months away. I'm giddy with anticipation. Until then, good night and good luck. Your USF schadenfreude is strong, sir. You sure you're not a Knight? The cluelessness is strong in you, sir. Are you sure you aren't at least semi-retarded.
  22. No but I did seem to de-wait the sentence before the future headline. The validation of my views concerning Simple Tagg are only a few months away. I'm giddy with anticipation. Until then, good night and good luck.
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