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Everything posted by Joe

  1. I think a fair question to ask. How many on here lived in housing that wasn't on campus or student type housing within 5 miles of campus during their tenure at USF?
  2. It doesn't bother me. I understand why it bothers others though. Understand this, there is a huge base of students who live on or around campus. This has grown and changed so much the last 15 years. Student life is just completely different. Back in the early 2000s, it was rough at times, but the school refocused and it's worked well. I think what makes some call it "commuter" is twofold. First, we do have a large contingent of kids who live in Tampa Bay that still live at home or in other areas of the city that drive in. Second, about 1/4th our undergrad base is part time adults. Don't sweat the tag, many will think that way forever. Understand what the school means to you and move on. For my job worked with the University of Houston...that is a commuter school, even Louisville has that feel to an extent.
  3. Falling in line with the other clowns that dismiss USF because they're not Florida is not quite a McMurphy type. Joey is just doing what's cool in his biz. Brett had a vendetta. Funny thing is Joey can be a ***** and USF will peepee before allowing anyone to contest his assertion. Brett did something right. He's making a lot more than us now
  4. Because you have students who commute to school does not make it a commuter school... a town doesnt need to be centered around a uni to make it a non-commuter. You can say USF is young, lacks tradition that older uni's etc but the fact that the town doesnt completely revolve around the uni was a draw for me. Technically... All that matters is that student life has come a long way the last 10 years shows its growing. It was bad at times when I was there in early 2000s
  5. I get why people take offense to the commuter school tag, but I never have. Yea, we have a good, but still smaller portion of our undergrads that live at their parents houses and/or locals that are going back to school to complete their degrees. Every university in a major city has that issue.
  6. Kind of hard to compare. That's that guys offense. taggart came in preaching the ground and pound. You want a similar comparison, look at Muschamp/Florida last year. Taggart is trying to pull a complete 180 on his philosophy and the team's offense. Whether it works remains to be seen.
  7. I love these fluffy pieces. Results, until we see them it's all fluff.
  8. My prediction: Flowers will be a receiver next year...or transfer out. Regardless, I'm not a huge fan of his ability to toss the rock.
  9. With no QB named and the limited success of both guys to date, 5-7; 6-6 seems to be the ceiling. If we can out do that season is a major success. If taggart gets us to a bowl game, and the team doesn't look like donkey dung doing so, he should get 1 more year.
  10. November 1, 2013: MIKE WHITE. Greatest Ever.
  11. I like it. We've tried to outthink the student section since I was in school. Remember the $8 rally towels?
  12. Not to be a total **** but this same article has been written the last two years. "THINGS ARE DIFFERENT"; "THE LOCKERROOM HAS A DIFFERENT FEEL"; Etc I am going to be cynical until I see it on the field, and given the last 4 years there is nothing wrong with being that way.
  13. because it doesn't accurately represent the season ticket base that is actual fans and not corporations that don't even show up They why did he report them with season tickets.....every single year. Was he trying to fluff up USF's numbers. Our athletic department was singing to the heavens when we reached 20k+ Season tix, that's probably his number.
  14. I think USF will make it work, but I agree after a couple years most schools will probably blackout of committing $2-$3 mil extra a year to already struggling athletic budgets
  15. Happy 3 year anniversary of FSU and Clemson to big 12, Done Deal.
  16. Cincy and UCF probably headline the league, and neither is unstoppable. So 50-1 seems very extreme. That being said, our team isn't very good, and we're changing QBs again. I think 6-6 would be a great year.
  17. Love the Bolts, but the game isn't close to a sell out tomorrow. This might have backfired. Come on people, it's the WINGS!
  18. They'll bounce up with FSU coming in '16.
  19. I'm going to bring this thread back to this: November 1, 2013: Mike White. Best Ever.
  20. The immortal Mike White, best ever thread. Thanks for this.
  21. I don't think its close to a reality, but this story is heading towards Montreal being the golden goose the Rays have needed to get a new ballpark.
  22. Not buying this Especially since it was posted on April Fool's Day? I didn't remember that. Thanks. Now I got to look for other BS all over the internet
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