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Everything posted by usf97

  1. Strong would not let anyone wear #1. Hopefully, Ford is able to put a full season together.
  2. I thought I read somewhere that Brett McMurphy tweeted something to the effect of "when the player went into the coach's office to discuss his concerns, the coach said "before you say anything, just know I am the most powerful man in the building"". Or something like that.
  3. Well Publix was THE grocery store my entire life (Kash n Karry/Sweet Bay's, Winn Dixie, Albertson's) could never really compare. But I will say Wegman's is better. Now Wegman's only has 101 stores compared to Publix's 1200+ so I don't know if it is fair to compare them, but most people from Florida have been impressed when they see it. Envision if Publix and Fresh Market had a baby.......Wegman's. It's slightly more expensive than Publix but slightly cheaper than Fresh Market.
  4. If you start in June 2020, I would think you would be good to go for the 2021 season for sure. I doubt you would have any access to it this season
  5. My only gripe about the current uniform is that gold lettering and numbers on the green without any outline appears "off" to me. It could be because the green iconic U on the helmet has a white outline. Maybe if they took the outline off the U on the helmet it would all match but to me it is inconsistent.
  6. Here's one. Jay Fiedler.....ha, there's a name you don't think about very often.
  7. Can coach Mogridge tuck in his shirt? Well I guess he is coaching the “big uglies” so....
  8. Based on his twitter feed, this seems to be accurate. Man he tweets.......a lot. https://twitter.com/_jdf20
  9. Well I am sure that has to be shocking for any long term CCS guys. CJS may be trying to see if he can shake a few more scholarships free.
  10. 2006? I guess we need to crank up the hot tub time machine.
  11. United from Start 2 Finish I heard CJS say in one of his interviews the other day that this program was once ranked #2 in the country. If we can do it once, we can do it again. That all sounds good and well but the Big East with BCS access is no longer the situation. Under the current situation, I think a G5 school could go undefeated for 3 consecutive years and it would still be unlikely they would see a #2 ranking.
  12. Speaking of QC coaches. Did anyone catch that former FSU 1 rounder LB Ernie Sims in now one of our defensive QC's? He was at FAU the last couple of seasons. https://twitter.com/erniesims34?lang=en https://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/20190113/former-fsu-lb-ernie-sims-promoted-to-faus-director-of-player-development
  13. Interesting that both Kobe McCloud and Jordan Oladokun both play for Gaither.
  14. In CJS interview with Ron and Ian yesterday, he mentioned there are no more Official Visits this weekend because they got all 7 visits committed last weekend. https://953wdae.iheart.com/content/2020-01-22-scott-theres-a-lot-of-excitement-right-now/
  15. Seems in the last week, Robinson HS has had visitors from USF, UF, Pitt & North Dakota State.
  16. Chris Torello was just asking him about this so you have to imagine it is in the forefront of CJS mind. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/sports/2020/01/23/jeff-scott-ready-to-lead--recruit--and-win Chris Torello: You said at your press conference ‘I am going to build this thing from the inside out. I want to get the Bay Area kids. But I have spoken with a lot of coaches and they think USF’s past few days didn’t take advantage of the Bay Area. So how have you gone about maybe looking into these coaches and programs? Jeff Scott: That is definitely a priority for us. At the end of the day our job is to bring in the type of young men that are going to represent our program and our university in a first class manner. Second of all, guys who are going to help us win a championship. I want to look for those guys; those players are here in the Bay Area. All of those players that qualify for that in the Bay Area are the guys we want to go after.
  17. If AF was ever added to the conference, I have a hard time seeing where Navy would agree to a scenario where they would be in the opposite side of the conference due to the Conference Championship Game. They are only going to want to potentially play each other one time per season. You think Navy and AF would be cool with potentially playing each other twice before the Army Navy game? I could see Memphis and Tulane moved over to the East before Navy (if AF was involved).
  18. It appears BSU is ticked and appear ready to burn the entire conference down. What is happening in the MWC is like a smaller scale version of what it would look like if the Big 12 tried to reign in Texas.
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