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Everything posted by bull2saintleo

  1. If that’s the case, I don’t think they’ve exercised the option at all.
  2. His name is Beau Edwardson and supposedly he's been doing it since the early years of HOT band in the late 90s.
  3. I just drove by Wednesday and it was still there, did they begin to take it down already?
  4. So havent gotten anyone yet? Call me when your post has actual information.
  5. I'm beginning to feel the chances of this happening are getting increasingly better...and for person reasons Michigan
  6. Yeah buddy, props to Kelly. He isn't messing around.
  7. I'd give anything for a payday to visit Michigan in the Big House...its a place i'd love to see a game and why not see the Bulls
  8. Pretty solid, I think we’ll we good weather for Thursday-Saturday
  9. Not to sound negative, but while the signature is authenticated that looks like a fake jersey. I dont recall any Bulls football jersey with gold numbers and white sleeves.
  10. I drive thru downtown Tampa twice a day commuting to and from work, and look at that ugly logo on the side of the new building, just waiting to see it gone...
  11. Has anyone see the black USF baseball hats like the team wears on field for sale? i have checked at games, the bookstore, and Fanatics to no avail.
  12. I forget if it's been said where the tenative location to build will be? I assume near the LRS Athletics building, but not sure...
  13. I guess this is good news, it was a pain having to find CBS Sports Network. Finding ESPN was more convenient.
  14. Agreed, there needs to be a happy medium between academics and athletics...
  15. Yes, I agree. I lean towards Blanchett because of her education background.
  16. Man if I didn’t have such a busy weekend I would’ve taken you up on the offer.
  17. Oh no, im all in with the Bolts too. I think we're kind in that hangover state right now just waiting for the playoffs.
  18. @Brad what is the status of this weekends tickets for Liberty at USF?
  19. The days of the multi mil/10 year baseball contracts are over. While players may WANT what guys like A-rod and Pujols got in the past, analytics and other details have caused teams to pay for the player now and not what he will be. Those Pujols and A-ROD deals were so lopsided based on production. Guys like Harper and Machado might get 30 mil/year, but maybe no more than a 4-5 year contract.
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