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Bulls Are We

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Everything posted by Bulls Are We

  1. I am already missing Willie chucking it into the endzone up 16 on ECU with a minute to play.
  2. At FSU there are 17 sororities x 100 spots (not all have 100 openings) = 1700 spots max. Over 2000 started so yes, some do get left out. The more common occurrence though is girls voluntary dropping out during the week when the sororities they really wanted to be in cut them. I think if you stick the entire week out you end up with a spot somewhere although it may not be one you initially wanted. The entire process was quite eye opening to me.
  3. My freshman daughter just finished rushing at FSU. Anyone rushing is allowed to move into the dorms early (8/20) and the entire process was wrapped up 8/27, the day before classes started. Over 2,000 girls rushed. Not exactly sure why USF waits until the first week of school?
  4. Sorry man. This pic was taken from the SW end zone.
  5. Dude, were you drinking that day? It's sitting in the North endzone where it's always been. How would they even physically move a 103 foot, 43 ton pirate ship?
  6. Not sure what games some of you were watching last year, but a ton of QF's best plays were designed runs, read option, fake bubble screen and QB draws. It would be a huge mistake to take him out of the running game.
  7. Sounds like a great way to promote new season tickets. Preview your seats for 2017. I think most people would be jonesing for some real college football in April. The first year is a transition year, but once the season ticket holders (new and renewals) are rolled in year two you could easily expect 20,000+ (paid) tickets for a game like this. I suppose it is not much different than the NFL requiring season ticket holders to buy the two preseason home games every year. I agree we are probably on the fringe for this to make money for us, but for teams like Bama, FL, FSU, Clemson, Ohio State, etc. it would still be a huge money maker for them. We could always schedule a payday game in the fall to offset any losses if the end goal here is to play more P5 opponents.
  8. Speaking of that...what is the buyout for the Stony Brook game? How do you figure it could not make sense financially for us if this game was built into a season ticket package?
  9. Heard an interesting idea the other day. Play these FCS games in the spring in lieu of a Green/Gold game. After all, they are merely a glorified scrimmage in the fall. Have it at Ray Jay and sell tickets. Schools could still make the money this way and it would free up a spot in the fall for the FBS schools to schedule a meaningful game. Bama had 76K at their spring game.
  10. I know the Bucs were offering the option to purchase two tickets to the CFB Championship game if you bought two tickets in the new Mercedes Benz Club.
  11. Question on the last play: Could that have been ruled a fumble by USC, recovered by USF, subsequent fumble by USF and 1st down USC due to the change in possession? Are the rules different for that in OT? I was thinking we should have just fallen on the ball and not tried to run with it since it was 4th down.
  12. Yep. I thought it was tongue and cheek at the press conference, but don't think he is joking about it now. #concerned
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