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Everything posted by DontPushMe

  1. Too little too late. Shut down the football program.
  2. I've been saying it for a year now. Shut the program down. We tried. We failed. No need to invest more into a sunk cost
  3. I've been suggesting we fold the program since the big 12 passed us over.
  4. Could do option #3 and become the college football version of the Washington generals. Play all away games. Travel from city to city getting battered and collecting one off fees from schools happy to have a free win and an extra home game
  5. This as well as the post you quoted is delusional. Our options are aac, sunbelt, downgrade to indy or fcs, or shut the football program down. Of our options I'd rank them: 1. Fold the football program effective immediately 2. Downgrade to fcs 3. Go independent 4. Aac 5. Sunbelt
  6. I guess I'm just assuming the objective is somewhere higher than 1 win over fbs teams in his 2 years.
  7. Imagine failing at your job for two years straight, missing every objective your bosses set out for you, then being rewarded with a raise and an extension
  8. They have no reason to expand again. We missed our chance and should move down to fcs, or shut down altogether.
  9. Mistake. Should shut the program down and focus on Olympic sports, research and academics. The chance for this to be a big time college sport school has passed.
  10. *watched conference mate of the past 20 years go to the playoff *finished 2-10 with one fbs win in 2 years *watched ucf and Houston come from behind us to getting a b12 invite *watched our conference add 6 embarrassing schools to our new conference, which is now substantially worse than the old cusa No. I'm afraid I don't agree with you sir.
  11. In my opinion we should shut down the football program because it's failed. A new stadium is the equivalent of fixing up a beat up old car that has 200k miles on it and doesnt run. At some point you just have to write it off as a mistake and move on.
  12. Imagine wasting your time paying money, driving to Ray Jay parking, then watching usf play rice or uab. No thank you.
  13. When I want to waste money I just buy spy puts or do elaborate 10 game parlays. Can't imagine donating to an organization that has failed so miserably.
  14. Funny how watching ucf blow past us and get a b12 invite when we werent even an option for them kicked us into gear. USF as always being reactive. The time to do this was 2007. The thing to do now is shut down the football program. Complete waste of money to dump millions into hosting uab, Florida Atlantic and Rice.
  15. What an embarrassment. Honestly we should investigate either going independent or more likely just shutting the football program down
  16. Seriously we should just shut the program down. Like this is an experiment that failed miserably. Just give it up.
  17. I agree which is why I've been suggesting a termination of the football program. You win some you lose some. Chalk this up as an L and move on.
  18. How embarrassing to announce this on the day ucf is admitted into the big 12
  19. My suggestion is we forfeit the game and announce the immediate termination of all football related activities.
  20. Announce the immediate (like don't even show up Saturday) termination of the football program. Fire everyone who has ever been involved in it.
  21. Agreed. Which is why I'm an advocate for closing the football program down. It was worth a try, but it failed.
  22. I'm against this. We need to close the football program down. Can't perform, been left in the dust by our competitors, no fan interest. Stop dumping money into a non starter.
  23. We left cusa for the big east and are now in a worse version of cusa.
  24. Putting this type of money into football after we've already missed the boat is going to make the issue worse. The only point of putting money into football is to try and get into a p5 conference but this opportunity is gone. I'd give it up. Do a uconn, shut it down altogether and walk away failures.
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