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Everything posted by DontPushMe

  1. Just like we did in the big east? And the aac?
  2. Dont see how we dont lose here. No ability to stop the only play they run. Punting on 4th and 1 knowing this. **** it Strong out
  3. Dont understand how this is hard to stop. You know exactly what theyre doing. This is like playing navy
  4. Mack has a huge opportunity this year. Gore is gone and they didn't draft a rb until the 4th round this year. He will go in as the starter and as long as he plays well he should get a lot of work this year.
  5. As if this wasn't bad enough already, ucf and Louisville are about to sign a 1-1 Wtf were we doing with this 2-1
  6. Obviously we didn't want to be in uconn region but as a 6 we wouldn't play them until the elite 8. Making it that far would be a dream anyway. I'd take a sweet 16
  7. We have a very good consistent women's team. Why can't we put together a competent men's program?
  8. Horrible. A 2-1 with Louisville? We shared a conference with them for years. I doubt there's another p5 school that has a better relationship with us and even they won't do a 1-1 with us? This G5 thing sucks. I'm almost ready to shut the program down if we don't get into the p5 on the next round of conference expansion.
  9. Its a well written plea but it will have no impact on anything. Just pandering for votes.
  10. Pretty pathetic how far we've fallen. It used to be us in the big east keeping ucf out, now they're so far past us is our only hope of moving up is if they get an invite and bring us with them.
  11. The bigger issue isn't our schedule or out conference, it's that we blow every good opportunity we have to make noise while ucf seizes every opportunity. We had the senior qb, we should have been the ones in the peach bowl. We will continue doing what we do.
  12. Who cares? Would you rather have two terrible seasons and two ny6 bowl wins or consistent 6-10 win seasons with no conference championship or bowl game better than Birmingham?
  13. Weve pissed away opportunity after opportunity while they capitalize on every one of them. They are light years ahead of us. Wouldn't surprise me if they got a p5 invite and left us here in the group of 5
  14. We're losing a lot of players, including the most important one. I don't think we're in the mix next year unless we hit gold again with one of these qbs
  15. Glad you've accepted our return to cusa gracefully. I'd rather shut the program down at this point.
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