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Everything posted by DontPushMe

  1. Imo we are heavy underdogs in that game. They are much better than us this year. Wed do really well just to get to that game undefeated.
  2. Louisville played a big part in usf being in the big east in the first place. Nothing but love for them. Us getting to the acc b12 was always a monster long shot. We were in over our heads in the big east as it was.
  3. Looked amazing. Colts fans love him. We're all pulling for him. One of my favorite bulls ever
  4. Don't get why we can't work something out with GA tech. Even a mutual field game
  5. How could anyone question he made the right move? He had nothing else to learn from playing at usf. All that could have happened was an injury or a down season. He's in a great situation with indy. He will play immediately.
  6. So happy for him. He definitely did right to declare when he did. Obviously would love to have him next year but this was best for him. We need him to do well. A high profile offensive player would help us with recruiting and image.
  7. You may not like the game but nba playoffs are the top rated shows on cable TV atm. May 1-7 they occupied the top 12 of the top cable TV ratings. Many of these games on tnt so it's not just an ESPN thing.
  8. Perfect place for him to land. He'll do well for indy.
  9. Agreed. And as of a couple of years ago, we are officially a have not. The time to do this was 04-07. We had an opportunity to really take off and we wasted it. To me, it'd be a mistake to waste money on football at this point. I'm not saying shut it down, but we've missed the opportunity to become a big player.
  10. http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/college-sports/headlines/20141210-memphis-byu-cincy-proscons-of-schools-floated-for-big-12-expansion.ece Shows how far we've fallen. Article from Dallas that discusses schools like Colo st. Marshall, SMU, air force and doesn't even mention us. Ucf talked about as a favorite. How embarrassing would it be if they left us in the dust by getting a big 12 invite?
  11. Reading the UAB news definitely got me thinking about USF's situation. If USF continues to lose support and games, would fans or administrators start to talk about shutting down the football program? If we continue this trend for 5+ more years I wouldn't be opposed to it. Give the athletics fees back to the students and focus on academics, with basketball being the primary sport. I don't think its out of the question. We missed the boat and nothing we do going forward will matter in CFB. You'll see more programs shut down with the power 5 squeezing the smaller programs out. I follow our games but we are a joke as a program and even if we had a great year it really wouldn't matter much. Wanted to go to the ucf game, used to go to them all, but I decided I'd rather save the $40x2 on tickets to watch us get clobbered and go black fri shopping instead. Many like me, that's why the stands are a sea of red nowadays.
  12. An entertaining game by two evenly matched teams. This could easily be a southern conference game. We've come a long way boys!
  13. This may well be our last ever big east basketball game. Was fun while it lasted
  14. I would say it was probably 50/50 or so. I was in the 3rd deck, surrounded by Syracuse fans. The higher you got the more cuse fans there were. It was something like 1st deck 80/20 USF fans 2nd deck 50/50 (maybe leaning Syracuse) 3rd deck 85/15 Syracuse fans (i dont think im exaggerating) I don't know what the breakdown ended up, but i wouldnt be shocked if there were more syracuse fans. The students showed up, the student section was green all the way up, but the rest of the stadium was pretty heavy syracuse. The cuse fans in my section were taking pics of the syracuse turnout and texting them to people.
  15. Im at the game. The amount of Syracuse fans is embarrassing
  16. Reminds me of the team last year that would allow the opponents to go on massive runs where we didnt score at all. Not sure what causes that, other than just our lack of shooting ability.
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