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Everything posted by DontPushMe

  1. LOL!!!! Dude we're closer to the Mac than Duke at this point.
  2. This ******* turd needs to go now. Should be sent home from Orlando in an uber
  3. So sad. Last QF home game. Yet the fans still don't show up for our best player ever.
  4. Damaged? More like completely destroyed. He's not an NFL qb, he will need to work out as a rb or wr. Maybe he can pull a Terrell pryor
  5. The guy who's defense gave up a 2 min drill drive to lose. Complete with a 4th and 24 conversion?
  6. Exactly. He's a likable guy, good with the media. Terrible, God awful game day manager who cannot inspire a team to save his life. He is Marvin Lewis.
  7. Strong was thoroughly outcoached tonight. Blew the game. He's the college football version of Marvin Lewis. Too weak, terrible at game management, cannot get his team up for a game. We lost a good one with Willie. Thus far we have out athleted our easy opponents despite our coaching. Tonight it caught up with us.
  8. Doesn't matter at all. We had no chance vs ucf either way. At least this way it's not them ruining our perfect season but just affirmation that we aren't very good.
  9. Not creative enough. Need to roll flowers out. Short passes, get him on the move and throw deep. Him running a pro style offense will never work
  10. He has 4-5 games left with us. No chance of being an NFL qb. He's past the point of working on stuff. Just needs to grind out wins.
  11. Doesn't matter. We won't get a playoff slot no matter what. I prefer an upset where Tulane makes the ccg. Memphis is a threat to us in that game should we make it there.
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