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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. CWT went to FSU after one year with Oregon, not sure why this is different or even remotely important. We have no pride and we aren’t competing with FSU or really anybody in the FBS. We all can agree Prime is an ass but most would sell their soul(deal with Deion) for a turnaround and a conference championship. As stated prior, most are simply rationalizing their feelings by saying they never wanted Prime in the first place.
  2. It would have been an instant return to relevance, he comes with baggage but would have been worth it even though he is an arrogant ass IMO.
  3. As much as everyone touts this team I would think they would at least be ranked? Either way, it would be nice following a team that wins a more than they lose, or in the case of FB, wins a game on occasion.
  4. Weaver is in the wind, 6 catches for Jackson his freshman year, I caught more ass my freshman year with an 84 Lebaron and a mullet so understood why he dipped out.
  5. Then I am a being a turd by your assessment however it was rather stupid to call me stupid IMHO. He set our program back years and is getting paid millions to do nothing due to his ineptness, so a little name calling is not inappropriate and even justified due to the level of failure. You have spent thousands of dollars watching this unwatchable product, I would think you would be a tad bit angry about what he did here? I guess you have no problem with it, to each their own.
  6. End of the day his dad was a terrible HC and so was he. He will be fine, he will live off relationships and his name, but at the end of the day he is as stupid as he came across and will always be known as a dried up turd here in Tampa.
  7. I want someone that is hungry, not a coach’s kid that has been well fed and not interested in putting in the work necessary because they have never had to. (Besides Kiffin) I have no idea if this guy will have any success but it is fairly obvious he is looking to make a name for himself and doesn’t have the luxury of living off his dad’s name. The last hire should have gotten MK canned but somehow he is able to carry on.
  8. We did get that competitive advantage over BYU in the opener by going top secret in the spring game which proved to be successful. I actually believe Gatorbull had a better grasp of the personnel than Howdy Doody ever did, very few coaches have ever been more unqualified and unsuccessful, we witnessed the most historical bomb rivaling Ryan Leaf Tony Mandarich.
  9. This is an athletics forum, if you want to talk academics and research endowments then go to the alma mater forum, your blathering about us being a University first is grasping at straws and pathetic IMHO as this team is in disarray.
  10. I am losing my mind because I am agreeing with Steve more and more each day. Whatever, rationalize all you want but we really are neither, but if it helps you sleep at night then do you.
  11. Good point, still butt hurt about us being left behind once again however used to it and will accept it. Thanks ****** for keeping it real
  12. That guy was crap from the start, even his dad was limp. I wanted Prime but now that he is gone I say **** him. What is your call now little hand, what is your play?
  13. Who cares, the dream of having a loud mouthed ignorant moron as our coach has passed, 8 toe Sanders will fit in nicely with the granola d-bag man bun ass clown gender neutral fan in Boulder. I have 3 siblings that live in Colorado now, place is exactly the place that I want to avoid at every opportunity, beautiful place turned into crap by the people in charge.
  14. Maybe it is just me because I don’t have a dog in this fight but this championship Saturday is trash. I may not even watch the playoffs which to me is insane but the system sucks. I know part may be because I am butt hurt but these matchups suck. TCU was a fraud and the rest of the games have been trash
  15. This is the reason why CFB is becoming trash, if the kids don’t care why the **** should we?
  16. Exactly, lock him down or dip out, have used this chasing women and works like a charm. I would have made my best play and if he balked or slow played then ghosted him and began chasing another piece of tail. I am not saying this wasn’t a tough position but he put us here with the last garbage pick...
  17. MK is dead man walking along with our program, fire him or don’t, gave my last ****, deuces. It was a long ride, but I can’t say it was a good one, either way it has ended.
  18. I am butt hurt but get it, his life, his decision, prime does what’s right for prime. I will root for him to fail, don’t think he can coach but he can definitely recruit, either way **** Prime, got no use for the loud mouth anymore.
  19. Me neither, can’t believe I used to listen to that self absorbed turd and all of his stupid sayings. The guys calling in and reading their takes in Rome speak makes me want to vomit.
  20. I am thinking positive that Prime has signed and is simply waiting to announce until after Saturday.
  21. Option 4 - there is a painting of an older gentleman with a rather large belly and poor posture next to the tree, not sure if there is any significance to this as well? Looks like coach Borden’s physique which is Deion’s college coach indicating he is coming to USF however he chopped off the head in the photo to not make it too obvious, either I am reaching or this is a stroke of genius.
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