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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. BA is walking on water and making some absolutely ridiculous statements, so not really. However Troy was good and ranked and UTSA lost to a good team so not much to see in this exhibition game. UTSA was exactly like us, found some early success but plays in a cavernous stadium in a metro area with other entertainment options, they are not world beaters and will struggle, no idea if they have a coach but we figured out we didn’t do next man up
  2. Manure, that ******* ******** ass licking filter blocks all of my ****!
  3. This is spot on, you can’t put the **** back into the horse. There are no rules left to enforce and no stomach to police them either. This is a figurehead position with no clout, he will simply be a talking head.
  4. Isn’t Boyles eligibility up? What does he want and Grier just needs to shut the hell up, he is in Oviedo so needs to move on, we have no use for him anymore and he has none for us either so he should focus on the future, we are trying to forget the last 5 years as much as he is.
  5. I don’t see anyone from the LGBTQ community, what kind of message are we sending without theses coaches using identifying pronouns as well. If they win we will put them on our shoulders and parade them around town, if they don’t we will hurl obscenities down upon them with great fervor.
  6. I saw this on Twitter, what is he talking about?
  7. She is also 80, not a football fan and is not afraid of a cocktail or two, not sure her opinion is anything to hang your hat on when evaluating football talent.
  8. I will let you in on a secret, when your D sucks you are always on the field. If you are always on the field then you are able to pad stats (see above). Was he our best defender in 2021? (he took last year off). Maybe? I guess it is hard to tell, your LB’s should make most of the tackles, but I will take your word for it, he was the cream of a very poor crop, time for a new crop.
  9. I guess I am missing where anyone is actually attacking Grier, he moved on and went to c. Nobody is attacking him, many don’t care for it but realize his life his decision. I guess unless we shower him with praise and tell him he will always be a Bull and thank him for all of the enjoyment he provided us over the past 3-4 years then we are attacking him. People come and people go, so what we move on. It seems like society has become incredibly thin skinned, much too sensitive for my taste.
  10. I am not sure it is just our demographic, attendance is down in CFB, MLB and NBA, viewership is down, there are more revenue streams so money is there but not sure how long it will last. Hell the playoffs went from 34 million viewers to 17 in CFB, the new playoffs will help but what does it do for the over 100 programs not in the playoffs. Look at the stands across the country over the next 5 years and you tell me that it is gaining in popularity. This is bigger then you and I.
  11. Quickness and speed are different, quickness harder to measure except by watching them react and get to the ball. Very rare you are running a 40 yard dash in a game. Just saying you will be 1-4 maybe or 0-4 probably in your assessment of our O-line talent getting drafted. You wear rose colored glasses and when you throw enough **** at the wall then eventually you will find some that stick. Either way, Grier is in the wind, I will move on, appears you have a couple strokes left in you for the guy.
  12. No idea what Grier or his mom says he runs the 40 in, can tell with my little eye he lacks the quickness, strength, size and speed to play in the league. He is a man with no position, a tweener. You were stumping that 4 of our offensive lineman were going in the draft this year? Is that still happening?
  13. You were right about BB however you do actually jump on everyone’s bandwagon so with that approach you are bound to hit on a couple gems, not sure if this makes you Mel Kiper. He had one hand but both arms and he lacks the speed and athleticism that Griffin had. Not bitter, was a good guy, now he is gone, some of us move on while others keep stroking their junk, you do you bro.
  14. Why? I thought you were a fan. Get your hand off the guys jock, he was a little dude playing hard except when he sat out the season. You have said in other threads you thought he would play on Sundays, that alone disqualifies you from being a serious evaluator of talent. He went to c so screw him, he can do what he wants, he owes us nothing and we owe him nothing either (last 3 years were utter trash). End of the day stop being so sensitive, he will be forgotten about soon enough.
  15. We will be very fortunate to be over .500 in non OOC and will need a winning streak to accomplish that just barely so your measure for success will mean we go .500 in conference? No freakin chance, never going to happen. We may win 3-4 conf games as we usher in a new coach in the off season.
  16. I am with you Cuz, we can’t go back but this will kill the enthusiasm around CFB. I used to love the MLB and NBA but now don’t watch it at all, don’t even know the players or coaches anymore. I guess I have officially become a grumpy old man complaining about the new way things are done. this may be good for the players which is good for them but the popularity of this sport has peaked and has and will continue to contract as it fades into insignificance.
  17. The guy is an attention hog and loves seeing his name out there so he can revel in his narcissism. I would find it comical if he **** the bed out in Boulder, I am sure I am not alone.
  18. I jumped back in for the last few minutes!!! Nice win, great shot, I will take it.
  19. He is an undersized LB that plays with heart when he decides to suit up. With the portal this kinda thing is the norm nowadays, our D was terrible with him on the field and have seen him get dragged like a rag doll. Not going to root for him or against, end of the day it has provided more opportunity for the players, unfortunately this will continue to make the game less enjoyable with all the movement and the game will continue to bleed fans. He owes us nothing and can go do whatever he wants, his life.
  20. Many, almost all, the majority…. And yes this includes you.
  21. Agree with Trips, tell me what everyone hates and that will be at the top of my list to use.
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