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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. Merry Christmas! May Santa bring us some victories this coming year in football, tired of all the coal in the stockings.
  2. I think most of us that only had hoops during their tenure and love the game went absent once we were losing to trash early this year. CBG had a short leash and we gave up. I will watch Memphis only because I am a Glutton for punishment. We have one big who can’t play D or jump and we don’t make FT’s but have developed some 3 point consistency. Interesting to see if Miguel can create in the conference as he has pre-conference . I expect 5 wins in conference but this will be your most ignorant take on the thread because I have watched about 20 percent of their games this year and know little and may actually care less, hoping I have something to cheer for.
  3. Not around, right smack in the middle of Valdosta State where we got Kerwin Bell for that last magical year of the Strong era, impressive geography skills!
  4. Frisco Bowl was on Saturday night, I covered with UNT, way too cold to attend and instead watched all the games at a sports bar.
  5. Yep hopefully Sloan doesn’t catch this thread, he would be outraged. I may have to pay attention to this team, they look good to me.
  6. Weaver is in the wind however need the rest to stay.
  7. I always liked Mitch, couple small interactions with him and his family made me a fan and he overcame that dreadful combine and is seeing a lot of snaps, good for him, and Mack and MVS! Need to replenish the league with some future NFL prospects hopefully this happens.
  8. Spoiled rotten? I haven’t seen this team beat an FBS team since ECU 3 years ago, missed the Home Temple win. It is not asking too much to be competitive and win once in a while, if this is being spoiled then you are right I am rotten.
  9. Koolaid drinker is supporting Ukraine as this bastion of democracy, what did Zelensky do with his political opposition after he won, imprisoned all of them. Send some weapons to weaken both of these regimes but stop sending them billions of dollars.
  10. If he was coaching us most of us would love him, he isn’t so he is an arrogant ass. Not hating on him, I loved watching him play, show boat and trash talk. He coached an irrelevant program so never gave him a second thought however now that he is an FBS coach will be paying attention. It can also be fun to watch a loud mouth fall on his face and part of me is rooting for this and I am not alone. This doesn’t mean I hate the guy.
  11. Last time we won a conference tournament or any type of championship in the big 2, which is ridiculous. He was a really good player, unfortunately the **** allegations derailed his career, loved watching Hakim Shahid dunk.
  12. I am not saying we are better, we are not but simply not excited about the adds. We are an obese unattractive guy at the dance but we still can be picky.
  13. Helping one corrupt govt defend their border from another corrupt govt. i would imagine most of the monetary support is being wasted and stolen by this corrupt regime under poster boy Zelensky. It must be a miserable winter over there with all the devastation and power outages, I commend Skingraft for what he is doing regardless of whatever the circumstances are, not saying I agree with risking his life for this cause however his life and he is doing what he deems is right and for this he has my upmost respect.
  14. I have walked into 4-5 of the different high schools IPF’s in my town, it is really not that great. Not saying we didn’t need this 20 years ago but until we beat Temple in Philly or SMU regularly it doesn’t really mean much. If we ever win a conf championship I will call in sick multiple days.
  15. There are some of us that live in a victim mentality because it is much easier than taking ownership. I hope this is it and not a CTE issue. Grier was his boy, why can’t the c guy enlighten us on the issue or is this a NIL payout trying to generate outrage, Social media is trash and beginning to believe so is the kid that quit this year.
  16. It is embarrassing, they had one player and the rest were sub level, Tchewa’s D is awful, we couldn’t put away the JV team at King, maybe Chamberlain though.
  17. Bulls Win!! This team has grit, that is good because we also have **** for brains.
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