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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. Seriously dude go get jacked up for the Tulane game and leave us alone.
  2. He did not say which Monday, could be a Monday in December or January.
  3. I have always respected you, just wouldn’t hire you for anything else but to figure out how to spend millions of dollars in grant money for nonsensical government projects. JK, you are a good man developing our youth and should be commended.
  4. Then find a good ole boy that can win, make money and not be a ******* loser then.
  5. He recruited an awesome class when he was young, dumb and full of cum, he was selling a vision. Now he is an older graying used care salesman that has been exposed. I love what he did for us, and will always respect him however time to find a younger version of him.
  6. Let’s all be honest, MK has run this program into the ground and why any of us thought he was going to fix this was hopeful thinking. I have no faith in him or his decision making and whoever comes in has a tall order. The good ole boy network has gotten old but if it is the only card you have then you play it, I am with Dave, do something on the field and until then this University can kiss my ass.
  7. Only down 21 at least he cramped or pulled a hammy, just as well because we couldn’t tackle him or even touch him, ******* embarrassing
  8. I still think we can keep it close with this talentless D and hideous coaching , need 7 and a few fortuitous bounces.
  9. Not even touched, ouch, but we will stay with them, they are not that good, settle in and don’t lose faith
  10. That is the reason why we like The Ricky’s, the rest of us have no idea what is going on. Thanks Cuz and good luck tonight at a WBB game instead of against c, you have a better chance of seeing a win
  11. I will agree, if they do it Friday after hours it is being buried, over the weekend we have football games that could overshadow. I guess I don’t care when, only care about the who.
  12. Tito’s, however did a pivot to Coors light to not peak too early. It has been raining for 4 days so odds of me lighting the couch are slim anyways.
  13. I will, my wife is finally pushing for an upgrade in the living room so the timing is perfect.
  14. If it does I am rolling my couch out into the street and setting it on fire in protest
  15. That was a joke, c’mon man Your word is good, thank you
  16. No more up votes but you win a couple for that pic, thank you.
  17. By that level of sarcasm I can tell you must be at least 80% over the Flu, glad to have you back. What an absolute bust that guy was, him not on the sidelines is the only glimmer of hope we have tonight.
  18. Yes however donating half of his salary back to the school was his choice
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