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Everything posted by USFRaider

  1. I have always liked the NFL better than college football and that gap just widens as I see what college football is turning into. Go Raiders.
  2. I feel ya. I haven’t been to a USF football road game since the 2017 loss to ucf and I still have no desire to hit the road to see them play. Hell, even driving the hour from Bradenton to RayJay these past few years has been a chore, and RayJay gets more depressing by the year. I have no enthusiasm towards Golesh or next season at all. Hello apathy.
  3. Haha yes. From here on in I will always root against Clemson.
  4. Hopefully Weaver won’t sit out any games to ponder his future next season.
  5. I have been following since 97, and been a season ticket holder since 2002. These new AAC programs are garbage. End of story.
  6. I consider it a four year stretch of being a dumpster fire.......Strong's last season at 4-8, and then employing the worst FBS coach of all time and having him go 1-8, 2-10 and 1-11. If this program makes it to 100 years playing football, there may never be another four year run of futlity that we have just witnessed.
  7. Boy you are really trying to build up this new garbage AAC aren’t you ?
  8. My co-workers and I were just talking about this a couple of days ago. Scott won only 1 FBS game and did not win a single road game in three seasons. Think about that for a minute. 1 FBS win and zero road wins in three seasons. Its mind boggling that he didn't even luck into one road win. He is definitely in the running for the worst FBS coach of all time. He would be my pick.
  9. I like what I have seen and heard from Coach Golesh as well, but I won't be excited until I see the wins start coming in on the field. I heard all of the coach speak rah-rah rhetoric three years ago from Jeff Scott and we all know how that turned out.
  10. If 2-10 and 4-8 are the first two seasons under Golesh, then his seat will be scorching heading into 2025. And lord help he and Michael Kelly if Herman and FAU pass USF in football.
  11. Golesh will get three seasons. If USF football is still a dumpster fire in 2025, he and Kelly will be gone. AD’s don’t get to hire a third football coach after firing the first two.
  12. Which is 9:30AM Florida time, 8:30AM Mississippi Time
  13. Anyone associated with Jeff Scott should be dismissed tomorrow.
  14. Can’t believe he can say that with a straight face
  15. This next coaching hire best not be the disaster that Scott was or MK will be gone. Most AD’s don’t get a third football coaching hire after their first two were abominations . He needs to get this right. I know I am in the minority on this but I haven’t been impressed with MK at all. His coaching hires and contracts leave a lot to be desired.
  16. According to Bubba the Love Sponge, he said he texted Sanders this morning about coming to USF and Sanders replied “LOL, not happening, but we were close though “
  17. Faza mentioned he has now heard from ten players families that Scott really doesn’t care about the players and that he is not involved in game planning. Very telling.
  18. https://twitter.com/brandonfaza/status/1581442852948938753?s=61&t=vR-Ga_tKTlbwjdWrWzcgYQ
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