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Everything posted by USFRaider

  1. I guess that is one way of looking at it
  2. Just beat ucf on Wednesday night, that is all I care about at the moment. I don't know if you guys have checked out the overall War on I-4 score lately but it is quite embarrassing.
  3. The USF brass has been silent on all this so I am not expecting much when the details are released.
  4. Of course I will be back, where would I go? And just so you know, I have us at 7-5 in the regular season in 2019, but one of those five losses is to Wisconsin.
  5. Nah, we played the 85 Bears back in the Gasparilla Bowl, that was the 85 Bears, wasn't it? Or was that the 99 Rams lighting up our defense? Good thing we have new players and new minds overseeing the defense.......Oh wait.
  6. I am right there with you. The Dinosaur at head coach is still overseeing the defense, and the players haven't changed, and right now the transfer portal is transferring nothing to us. Can you imagine our undersized defensive line matching up against the massive hogs that Wisconsin is going to roll out against them? Granted there is a ton of time between now and August 30th, but as of right now, Jonathan Taylor is set up to have a field day against us.
  7. All Wisconsin will have to do is hand the ball to Jonathan Taylor about 30 times and he will rush for almost 300 yards against our swiss cheese defense.
  8. We have dinosaur Strong still calling the shots, so it would not surprise me in the least if we didn't make a bowl.
  9. My thoughts exactly. Charlie is Charlie and he ain't going to change.
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