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Everything posted by USFRaider

  1. Looking at the seven day Tampa forecast, it wouldn’t surprise me if there are some inclement weather delays next Saturday afternoon
  2. Once UF is up by three or four touchdowns they will probably feel sorry for you.
  3. Since those three losses occurred in 2019, 2020 and 2021, I guess progress can be achieved by not having an embarrassing shutout loss in 2022.
  4. I think he means if we lose as bad as we lost to Wisconsin, Notre Dame and NC State.
  5. Very true. I think he comes back in 2023 even if we go 0-12 this year, but if we don't win at least 5, that seat is going to be scorching going into 2023. I can also foresee Michael Kelly getting some heat from the fans for extending his contract if they don't win five games this year.
  6. The way he talked down to people who disagreed with him made him an easy target.
  7. After Wisconsin blew the doors off USF in 2019 after Cali talked up all summer how USF was going to win that game easily, he was never heard from again.
  8. Hopefully we are competitive by the time the conference takes a dump next season. That should be the goals for 2022, IMO. To win six games and show some fight and be competitive in the games we lose.
  9. There is no reason in the world that USF shouldn't consistently contend for conference championships after ucf, Houston and Cincinnati leave. A team in Tampa should thrive in what will become Conference USA 2.0. In my opinion there are no excuses not to dominate the new conference. If Jeff Scott can't get it done, find someone who can.
  10. I think Louisville has the best chance to be win #2 out of the first four games, however, the game is on the road, and until Jeff Scott and company prove they know how to win on the road, I am always picking against USF. I would feel alot better about the game if Louisville had to come to Tampa.
  11. I also agree with the 1-3 start and honestly, as long as we are not getting blown out in the three losses, I am fine with it. To me, the game I have circled and I will be nervous for is October 1st against East Carolina. That game is going to tell alot about just where we are as a program and how much progress has or has not been made. We get East Carolina in Tampa and it is a winnable game. If this team is progressing, that game has to be a win IMO.
  12. Agreed. This season I am less interested in college football than ever before.
  13. lol just keeping it real. Alot of people on this board and on Twitter live in fantasyland.
  14. I think the new DC will make a difference, and Bohanon will improve the production at QB, just not on 9/3 against BYU. The Cougars should roll.
  15. I think BYU wins rather easily next Saturday. I have them winning 42-28 in the prediction contest. Hello reality.
  16. New stadium is going to be across the street from the Greek Village. I just can’t see some recruitment event going on at the same time the first game is happening right across the street at the new stadium come opening weekend 2026
  17. I wonder If this can be resolved by 2026. Can you imagine Greeks unable to be at the historical event that will be the first USF home football game at the brand new stadium?
  18. I will be very surprised if more than 30K come through the turnstiles. I am guessing it will be around 25k.
  19. Hope he can put together a winning football team sooner than four years .
  20. I would prefer that players not come on here to interact if board members are not allowed to freely express their opinions about what is going on with the team. Just my two cents.
  21. I think that showing absolutely nothing in the Spring game is what spelled the end for Timmy. IMO, it looked like he had not made any progress from the ucf game in November. The writing was on the wall in April and apparently the coaching staff felt that way too. Perhaps the AAC is too much competition for Timmy and he might be better off in a smaller league.
  22. To be honest, I am not upset about this at all. McClain looked average in the Spring game, definitely nothing special, and he didn't wow me at all last season. It is what it is. I am excited to see Bohanon play and Byrum Brown take over in a few years.
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