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Everything posted by WhoRUSF

  1. So question here. Why transfer mid season? Does he get immediate eligibility next year at a new school if he leaves now, as opposed to sitting a year out if he decided to do this at the end of the year? I'm confused
  2. I want to play Pitt Rutgers and WVU again. Those old Big East games were great. I'd also like to see us get some match ups with Boise and Toledo
  3. I'm actually completely cool with a soft SoS. It's more wins for us, so who cares?
  4. This will be my first Bball game ever. Pretty excited for this one actually. Any word on Holston being good for this game? We need everybody to have a shot tomorrow
  5. This would never happen. It's either 8 at large, OR 5 P5 champs, one G5, and 2 at large.
  6. Well realtimerpi.com says that 'our level of play' is better than the Big 12 right now, and is closer to SEC level than conference USA. So I hope you aren't implying that we play in a pee wee league so we can just hire whoever
  7. I'd make the hire that gets us 2-3 great seasons. 1. Keeps recruiting up 2. Still winning 3. At that point, you're looked at as a great expansion candidate as a school
  8. Probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I just don't see how UF scores on Temple
  9. I'm confused about the Cecil cherry transfer
  10. Beating an SEC school is nice, but I'd take anybody over Vanderbilt. they will always be looked at as trash. I'd rather play Wake Forest or a high ranking G5 team tbh with you
  11. Today will be my first game all year! So siked! Green and purple go! haha
  12. This would be a bad time for the rule to apply then. I guess there is no perfect solution, but at the end of the day, you want the best two teams in the conference to go to the CCG. That really should be the goal when the bowl tie in is based on ranking. I could go for a rule that says if team A is ranked 10 or more slots higher than team B, then that could be used as a tie breaker. Otherwise, head to head shold be used. National perception USUALLY won't put any team from the same conference 10 slots or more over another unless the resume is actually THAT much better.
  13. This will be my first Bulls game in over a year! I'm pumped and am bringing 4 with me that never go. but yea, just drag people along
  14. Besides, it's not even that big of a change when you consider ranking is the tie breakers for 3 way ties
  15. P5 conferences don't care what their champs are ranked, because their winners get tie ins no matter what. The AAC is in new territory in the fact that it's champion needs to have a high ranking in order to get that same tie in, not just the title. I don't know if you're being dense or what, but you have to admit that getting a team to the biggest stage HAS to be the primary goal of any commissioner, or he isn't doing his job. So no, it has nothing to do with my bias for USF, I sincerely think for the good of this conference it should change. Instead, casual fans will see it as a crappy MAC team is better than all the AAC teams, which we all know isn't true.
  16. No you're obviously not reading then. Why would you not want an AAC team in the CCG or NY6 game if all you had to do was change he tie breakers rules
  17. Well college conferences should not care about how you feel when it comes to tiebreakers. Getting the NY6 BOWL is all that should matter, and the best way to do that is absolutely to have the higher ranked team get tie breakers. And I think Aresco should have a say in how to run the conference, or push to change rules like the big 12 did
  18. You DON'T think it needs to be changed? I think you're crazy. It 100% obviously needs to be changed. The entire objective of a conference is to make as much money as you can, and the best way to do that is to get as much exposure as you can. If the AAC was smart, tiebreaker would be decided by overall ranking. Now, obviously Navy has a better conference record overall, so they would still go right now, but if they lost again, Houston should go, due to being the highest ranked team with the same conference record. This way, the best two teams potentially are playing to boost the others resume, to earn the NY6 birth. No P5 conference has a play-in due to ranking like we do. This is a very obvious change that could put Houston or USF in the NY6 bowl, but instead, only Temple and Navy can play for it, and will both likely be behind Boise and W Michigan no matter what. Aresco is a smart man, so I would hope he sees this obvious need for change
  19. I'm not sure that we are that much better though. I'd give USF the edge, but it's close
  20. I agree, not to mention the SEC East has an extra team too. I will admit though, that the SEC West is just unbelievably good
  21. Your analogy really didn't make sense when you compared big programs from multiple conferences to lame duck programs from lower their conferences. The conversation is about if the AAC is on the level of the rest of the G4, when our record vs the G4 the last two seasons is 20-2 I believe. The product on the field would say we are on the same level as the 'haves' that you talk about. Simply put, the public IS brainwashed to think the AAC is G5 because that is when ESPN says, and ESPN is the primary source for college sports
  22. http://realtimerpi.com/college_football/ncaaf_conf.html This is huge for this conference, and if I was Mike Aresco, I would make this very publicly known
  23. Looks like our magic number is 3 wins, then a loss..... wait..... no nvm I didn't say that
  24. How do you announce an attendance number 9x the actual number? And how do you have an attendance of 3,412 in the AAC with a bowl game still in possibility?? I'm so confused right now
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