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Everything posted by WhoRUSF

  1. This isnt on coaches so far. We are failing because of McCloud. 100%. I like the dude, hes a young guy. But hes not the guy today.
  2. Either way, we are passing too much right now. We can run vs these guys let's do it
  3. The only problem with this is that chugging beer will harm his lean body 10x more than weed will. Beer is objectively worse for you in so many ways. So dumb that hes being suspended for this if true.
  4. Interesting that the AAC is the #4 conference right now, ahead of Big 12 and ACC http://realtimerpi.com/college_football/ncaaf_conf_Men.html
  5. Memphis QB White threw the ball way over his WR who turned around expecting a curl route. Miscommunication looking ugly for their offense so far, but their freshman RB Gainwell looks really good
  6. Power rankings usually indicate where the writer feels each team is positioned in a ranking board REGARDLESS of standings. Everybody in the world knew USF was better than UConn. Your reasoning for not placing USF ahead of them was because we had not won a game. Well if you're going by that logic, just post them in order of their actual standings and be done with it. Anyway, the point of my post wasn't to bash you or the rankings. I enjoy them actually, thank you for doing them. Just pointing out how power rankings usually work.
  7. I know Roberts isn't the best out there, but we don't have replacements that are definitively better. Davis, while is the most athletic / speedy, gets beat a lot in coverage and is smaller. Hes probably better suited for nickel or dime corner at the moment. Lapointe isnt bad, but I've not seen him make plays when he does having playing time.
  8. Awesome article about the USF and Cincinnati game tonight
  9. You've been dogging Atterbury and Norman for awhile, and you've been right, they suck. But I also need you to admit that a healthy Nico Sawtelle would be so much better than any of these linebackers we put on the field currently besides Macon. Sawtelle knows how to tackle and make splash plays, and these new guys arent doing any of that
  10. To address some of the comments. 1. Salamon would be an upgrade over anything we have now. Clearly CCS is the problem, not him. 2. St Felix and McDoom have been terrible, and everything we have seen so far from Bryce Miller has been pretty good, so I applaud this change. We need WRs to actually catch the ball, and hes been the only one outside of Wilcox to do that. 3. Bell has had a terrible start. So while I'm not going to blame much on him yet, because he didn't pick these players, I really dislike when some of you give overwhelming praise, or talk about giving him promotions.
  11. No doubt Booster Bob will do that too. Corruption already happens all across college football, this isnt news to anybody. But the only time some of us care is when players might benefit. Why is that? And yes, I agree they shouldn't be profiting off their status as a university player. No profits from team based events. But on their own terms? Go for it, son
  12. Most people dont think universities should pay players. But there isnt another industry I can think of that restricts ones ability to make money outside of their current job. Why cant players make a YouTube channel or do a commercial? Saying they are currently amateurs isnt an arguement by the way. You need a reason to believe things should stay the way they are. And I currently dont understand why people are hell bent on not letting players participate in free market capitalism like everybody else does?
  13. A multi billion dollar industry is hardly amateur, are you being serious?
  14. I doubt any of these college players are going to be making millions. If it does, it's only going to be the Tim Tebows of the world. Secondly, that is the beauty of the free market. You or I dont get to decide who gets paid. If somebody else determines that someone is doing something valuable for them, they have the right to pay them. Welcome to America. If you want rules set up to determine who gets paid what's fair, vote for socialism. I hear it's getting a lot of excitement these days.
  15. Either I am confused or you guys are confused.... from my understanding, the bill says nothing about universities paying players, and allows players to do things such as make youtube channels, sign endorsement deals, do commercials n stuff... What does that have to do with costing USF anything? As a free market libertarian millenial, I see nothing wrong with this. The less rules and regulations the better. Let people do as they please. Change my mind.
  16. There is nostalgia when it comes for Leavitt, no doubt. There is also the feeling that we did him wrong, when he seemed to have so much more to offer out of passion for this program. As for Taggart, I thought he did awesome by USF. He seemed to put in a lot of effort and energy in this program also. I think a lot of people would have respected him more if he had just seen through Flowers / Mack / Nichols / Sanchez's last season. We had such a talented roster coming back, I was shocked he didn't want to see how far he could go. Obviously having Strong come in held them back.
  17. How many conference championships have Florida, Michigan, Iowa and Texas A&M had the last 15 years? Wouldn't you consider those successful programs? Of couse, they are ranked every year and have major bowl wins. I know some of you dont like Jim, but this is the bottom line: Jim Leavitt exceeded any realistic expectations while coaching at USF. Expecting more was only possible because he did so much so fast.
  18. Willie had success, Skip didnt, and I'm assuming you mean CCS's story isnt done yet? Isnt losing 9 straight vs FBS competition in year 3 with all his guys seeing enough? What else is there to see?
  19. I dont know what agog means, but if you didn't see the slaps, then who are you to claim it's worthy of a firing, and to think otherwise is 'blind loyalty'? I mean these players bash their heads 30x a game much harder than Leavitt is even capable of slapping, and I doubt he hit the kid as hard as he could. I'm not saying it's right, maybe a suspension coupled with a fine would have been appropriate. He never did anything wrong before, so I dont understand the pitchforks for a mistake, when he is so passionate for his job. Is it more admirable to take money and not care, like Strong does? That comes off as robbery to me. I'd also interfere with a dumb investigation, especially when you know the administration is out to get you. This whole incident was blown out of proportion, and even the Miller family had to deal with the aftermath of being hated for Leavitt's firing. USF never cared about Miller, they wanted to cheaply get rid of Leavitt without the buyout. This was an easy way to do it. Bottom line is, I'd rather sink or swim with Leavitt. He IS USF football. And if we hire him tomorrow, I don't care if we win a CCG. I just know that we have a guy who cares about the program and is going to give 100%. If that means averaging 8 win seasons, so be it. He certainly isn't going to field an uninspired team, and that's what we as fans should care about.
  20. I agree with your point, though Luke Fickell and Geoff Collins are defensive guys, and doing very well
  21. Yeah, that could probably be heavily debated though, Selvie, Sanchez, Jenkins... I only started watching 2007 and beyond, the more hardcore fans could probably pick better than I could, though I'd go Selvie
  22. I'd gladly hire Leavitt back. Hes a legend here, and clearly the first face on USFs Mt Rushmore with Grothe, Flowers, and Mack. If you dont feel good about that hire, you're not a real fan. I bet we could get him for cheaper than market value too, considering an AAC head coaching job at a Florida school is a big step up for his current spot.
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