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Everything posted by michibull

  1. Yeah, I have hopes for a better season next year, but I am not expecting them to replicate last year. I think we have a deeper team than KSU, which will help with their transition. AAR will hopefully help as well. I don’t think for us to expect a .500 season next to be unrealistic, especially with Houston and Cincy gone. MBB is funny, because if you get the right mix of kids and a good coach, things can turn around fast.
  2. I’m so sorry to hear this. Prayers for him and his family. I also didn’t know him outside TBP, but he always had great posts and was a great Bull supporter, RIP Jimmy.
  3. Great point, the fact that they entered shows there is a real connection with AAR. I hope that carries over here and we can get stability and improve recruiting. A coach that knows how to created bonds and relationships with the players is rare and priceless; helps get the most out of the kids.
  4. Haha, sad but true. I love discussions and opinions about stadiums and concepts. The first rendering that were teased excited me. While I was not a fan of many things, it was a good starting point. Ultimately, any OCS will be great, because it will be OURS!!!! It’s just fun to imagine and have creative chatter about it.
  5. It’s amazing, there’s times I don’t have any issues, but man, sometimes I get so hangry, haha.
  6. Haha, I’ll confess, this was probably my version of a drunk text (I don’t drink, but it was 2 am, the Tigers lost 12-2 to you guys and this intermittent fasting sucks, haha). Rereading it, it was a bit melodramatic. I still think we were way ahead of SDSU; even with their history, up until CJS, we were pretty high on the G5 list. I am SO excited about the news that the OCS “will” break ground this summer and I do have hope for better days, but it’s just been a tough stretch.
  7. The Men’s Final Four was horrible for USF; as you mentioned, FAU went to the Final Four which makes USF look even worse (not to mention UCONN that left the AAC is in the Natty game). We are an embarrassment and I honestly don’t see us as a contending for conference expansion in the next 10 years (SDSU which was way below us built a new OCS and are playing for a MBB National championship has passed us). We have sunk so low and have continued to get worse as our conference continues to get worse that we provide ZERO value to any conference, including the AAC. We have no fan draw for ticket sales, no investments interest from business, media doesn’t want to cover us and our own students don’t want to build a stadium. Face it, we are dead in the water and drifting further from land as we speak.
  8. I think VPMK is a disaster and an embarrassment to our schools; we need to move on from him, BUT hope Coach Abdul-Rah can turn this around.
  9. Man, I dreamt of going to a major university in Florida my whole life. I was huge into sports and was lucky enough to go to USF the first year we were in the BE, it was magical (USF felt like the perfect fit compared to UF as I was married). To go from where we were to where we are now is unacceptable. I’ve had to live with the with the Lions since I was born, so I’ve had my share of losing. To see smaller schools pass us by and the athletics department continue to fail left and right is exhausting. My kids love Michigan State (which was who I rooted for as a kid), so we watch a lot of Spartan games. Seeing the difference between the two males it hard to spend any time of the joke that is USF athletics. As stated, UCF, FAU and FGCU have done more with less. Everything about USF athletics screams amateur hour. I think it’s insane that we all spend so much money, time and emotions in an organization that doesn’t care about us or gives us any pride or joy. We have been depressed with losing for over 10 years. This is literally a real life example of insanity.
  10. You know what, I’ve been close to doing the same and now you’ve convinced me to follow your example. I have lost my last but of caring about USF sports. I’ll check scores, but until FB or MBB or BSB start winning, I won’t be investing any time into this his anymore.
  11. I wouldn’t mind Pastner, but nobody on this list screams confidence.
  12. I’m just glad that they are writing about football. Need to try and get the students interested. They should have articles about the team and players all the time, keep them in their conscious. Maybe a “player profile” piece, couches corner, behind the scenes. There has to be effort to bring the athletics teams and students together. If they did that, I don’t think you wouldn’t have as much apathy toward the teams.
  13. To this point, IMHO, if this hire does not go through and we get another rookie coach, VPMK has to go; he has done nothing constructive while at the same time giving us a bad reputation with all of these leaks and failures.
  14. If this indeed happens, I will not complain if it fails. To me, this is the best hire we can have and VOMK would have done everything he could. I would be stoked and my hope restored in USF.
  15. Agreed 100%, I’m all about Brey, I personally think he’d be the best hire; BUT, USF will hire FAU’s assistant coach instead.
  16. This is an accurate statement; but in hind sight, I think going this route has cost us way more than if we would have paid an additional $2mil/year on a proven coach (~$4mil/yr on a proven coach). All of the failed “bargain” coaches we have paid not to coach in addition to losing tons of fans and now losing out on conference expansion has been crippling. My “hope” is that VPMK learns from the past, BUT, I have no “faith” in him because he went with a bargain coach for football which indicates nothing has changed or been learned.
  17. I don’t disagree with the talent he has gotten. I personally wanted him more than anyone; but, I just don’t like the way he’s gone about his business. There is a certain amount of respect and decorum that goes with a position of leadership. His first little while on the job showed blatant disrespect to everyone already at the university and I think it shows the type of leader he is and I just prefer a different type of leader.
  18. Yes, but my point is that we have been fed this losing isn’t acceptable crud, yet we had a chance at 3 marquee CFB coaches and ended up with another coordinator w/o JC experience. Now we have a chance to sign one of a few proven CBB coaches and if we end up with another dud, I will lose all faith in this department. That said, I am really happy we didn’t get Deion and I think Golesh could be a really good hire, but time will tell. The fact that other schools stretch themselves to sign the best and we don’t leaves me with little faith in VPMK and I am not investing in anything I don’t believe trust in.
  19. I think this next hire will say a lot about the priorities of the University and Athletics Department. It’s a chance for a fresh start for MBB. We have been told that they are taking it more serious now. We didn’t make a splash with the CFB coaching hire (may end up a great hire, but he’s unproven). I feel like talent is crucial for MBB and if we don’t get a marquee coaching hire, we will be dead in the water.
  20. While TCU, BYU, UCF and UH have passed us into the P5 with a potential of SDSU and CSU to follow……..
  21. Wait till the cheerleading national championships come into play, haha.
  22. He maybe one of our best hitters, and he may have been looking for another pitch, but given the situation, you can NOT go down looking. We teach our kids that you don’t go to bat looking to get on base, you go up there to get hits and do damage. With the game on the line, you have to swing, you can’t leave it up to the umpire.
  23. I like it, but, If we beat ECU and have a solid game against UH (win or lose); BG can keep his job UNLESS Crean wants the job.
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