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Everything posted by michibull

  1. Thanks @Brad for creating and running this site, it’s my only connection to the USF community way up here in Michigan, thanks OG’s for being steady here all these years and thanks to everyone that’s sticking around, I appreciate you.
  2. I think the island thing is not very impactful. It would save UCF one trip somewhere else every year for their teams, I would think UCF would take that over us being in the Big12 with them.
  3. I actually think that could be a good thing for USF, the more teams say no to the ACC, the better our chances are of getting an invite.
  4. Oh, I was gonna mention, in terms of VPMK and if he submits papers to join the PAC 12; if he does that, it will show that he does not have a preexisting “agreement” with the ACC.
  5. So, after reading the last 30 pages trying to catch up, we can summarize it by saying, CU left the PAC 12x B12 wants AZ, pac12’s media rights are still in the air and the ACC is open to expansion….. I think the ACC NEEDS to add USF and UCONN, this will help insults them for when FSU and Clemson leave. The PAC12 will be fine adding the west coast teams and things will settle for a bit. The BE failed because it didn’t aggressively poach B12 teams years back and the PAC and ACC need to avoid repeating that mistake. Even with CU, the B12 is still not better than the ACC, so it shouldn’t throw in the towel yet. FSU will find the money to leave, too many big donors, they are probably getting all of their ducks in a row. Not sure about Clemson, but I’m sure they can get out if they want. As said before, we just need to get back to winning, build the OCS and hopefully VPMK has us with the right people at the end.
  6. Yup, nothing exciting, but I just want to see us win. We need to start somewhere and this schedule will help by giving us the best chance to be successful. I’m good with it.
  7. Good points, I haven’t thought of it from that perspective.
  8. I don’t see how they have the Tampa market with FSU, the most coverage by the media is UF/SEC. If USF was in the ACC, things would change really quick.
  9. I honestly think that the ACC should be proactive and offer UCONN and USF now, get 2 more schools/AD’s in your conferences corner and strengthen a bit. Both schools fit the academic profile and UCONN brings basketball and USF brings Tampa. I think it would be foolish for them to just wait for 2036.
  10. Agreed, but I don’t think it would be good enough for a “power” title. I think it would be a better conference for us for sure, especially if we can keep Duke, UVA, Syracuse and Wake Forest.
  11. If Colorado finalizes their move to the Big 12 and Arizona follows suit (with potentially ASU), this may end up destroying USF’s chance at a P5 conference. The PAC would get picked through and dissolve(B1G would get their pick of Wash, Stanford, Oregon and finish with whatever they want), which means the B1G wouldn’t look at the ACC for expansion at all. The ACC would be safe until 2036 GoR is up, then the SEC would take what it wants (Clemson, FSU, UNC, whatever) and the leftovers will not equate to a good conference and we’d be left with a P3 and a G6. I hope this doesn’t happen, but I can see as a stronger possibility thank us getting into a good Big 12 or ACC.
  12. Agreed, I really don’t know how they’re going to pay all of these conferences when they’re bleeding money and with cord cutting not slowing down. I hate ESPN anyways, would love to see it blown up and restarted.
  13. I agree with you on that. If I’m the Big 12, I’m in no rush and feel pretty good with my current lineup of teams. If opportunity presents itself ok, but I’m not taking any fliers on anyone.
  14. I thought I read that the Big 12 commish said 14 was his number he wanted to be at by 2025. I actually believe that we need to be one of those 2 teams or we are screwed pending any ACC blow up in 10 years or an ESPN bankruptcy. Everything hinges on the B1G and SEC, which nobody knows what they are doing and when.
  15. Get well soon E.T., we’ll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
  16. If there is any crack/break in the GoR for the ACC due to media changes, I think that means only good things for USF.
  17. Agreed, expansion at this point is going to be limited and not just based on football attendance and wins, much more is being taken into account since the power G5 teams are already in a P5 conferences; it gonna be more for growth and potential and market.
  18. I think between the PAC 12, Big 12 and ACC, they will be more focused on staying together and weather any storm the B1G and SEC create. I don’t see them over expanding in an effort to get ahead of the curve as that will dilute the payouts to current schools. If there is any advanced expansion, it would be to 14 so they can maintain 12 if the big 2 come calling. That said, the PAC 12 would look at BSU and SDSU or UNLV, Big 12 would look at USF and Memphis/SMU/UNLV (USF being 1st priority for the obvious reasons). The ACC I think is just trying to hold together and won’t do anything unless schools leave. The reality is that GOOD G5 school options are almost dried up now, so it’s slim pickings. I see us getting a Big 12 invite before the ACC only because I think once Texas and Oklahoma leave, they will expand by 2 one more time. This is just my thoughts, no insider information at all.
  19. Me too!! When you talk about team identity, my favorite teams were known for aggressive defenses, 96-03 Bucs and 97-08 Bulls. I think that attitude spreads to the offense easier than the reverse. With CAG being an offensive mind, it’s important to have big defensive talent to balance.
  20. Visiting stadiums/arenas (of all sports) is one of my hobbies. That’s said, the best ones in my opinion are the ones bleed with team oriented details, culture and history. When you walk up and around the stadium, you know who plays there. Shared team history and tributes show tradition and pride. It doesn’t matter how big or modern it is. It’s all about it being personal and thoughtful. The fans take care of the rest of the atmosphere. If we follow this general blueprint, we will love it no matter what, because it will be OUR house!!
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 182 seconds  
  22. I think the MAC is the most stable of all G5 conferences. Nobody has left through all of this and I think it comes from the standpoint that nobody wants any of them, they are long standing members and the growth of each school is so minuscule that nothing will change with them.
  23. I truly believe that we are in a good but FRAGILE position. USF is doing it right at the moment. If we get the OCS, start winning again (5 games this year, 7 next year and 8 the following year), our prospects begin to glow. The ACC is the M.O., but obviously, we would/should take an invite from the B12. I don’t think the B1G would ever invite us (never say never), that’s a pipe dream. For all intents and purposes, the ACC is the ideal fit for us and hopefully our patience and hard work will payoff. I think the ACC’s GoR may work to our advantage (and be a blessing in disguise) if it buys us time to get our house in order.
  24. For the most part, I agree. For Holtz, I was actually excited by his hire, truly thought he would take us to the next level (I’m not gonna touch on the CJL situation, already been said, haha). CAG, I and cautiously optimistic, but have my reservations because of the lack of head coaching experience; he has the persona of a great coach in the making, unlike CJS. I want to see us hit 5 wins, if we do that, I’ll be content, if it’s 4 or less, I’ll be greatly disappointed.
  25. Spot on! Some people fail to realize that stable P5 conferences like the B1G and SEC are not looking at just winning (as you point out, Maryland is a very mediocre/below average performing school and Rutgers is a joke, it was ALL about market). The B12 was desperate to keep their P5 status and therefore took the winningest football programs available. The next round of expansion will involve both scenarios. More likely than not, if the ACC needs to replace 2-4 schools they will look for a mixture of performance and market (investment), which if we can be .500 or better, will bode well for us. If the B12 is looking to add for stability and NOT survival, USF will be in a good spot if we are at least .500 (due to relationship with UFC and Tampa market), but if they are looking west, we’ll that is not good for us unless we are a playoff team, but that would be their preference. USF has proven in the past that if we are in a good conference, with a good team, we pick the stadium as good as anyone else, that WILL be considered as well. It’s a business and there are many factors that go into profitability.
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