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Everything posted by michibull

  1. I just want palm trees in the stadium and a lot of them!!
  2. That’s when you know your schools athletics program has officially hit rock bottom, already planning on firing your newly hired coach before he even holds a practice
  3. That’s too bad. Hopefully he finds the next chapter in his life even more fulfilling. Better things are always ahead.
  4. You have to wonder, “why now?”. From all accounts, CAG seems to be well liked. Was he courted by a bigger school? Were the coaches not that high on him or was it a scheme change? Just seems odd to have it happen right before the spring game (still early enough to change schools, just seems like if you were to transfer, it would be right away).
  5. I get more and more apathetic by the day. If I didn’t love USF, I would be much happier being a fan of any other team, haha. Oh well, I can’t quit on my school, I don’t have it in me.
  6. Yes, you are correct and it’s unfortunate. I also agree that I can’t fault the kids at all, I’d do the same thing if I were them. It’s a system issue and the new reality we’re in. Definitely puts a heavier burden on the coaches and recruiters.
  7. Agreed. I like the old rule that if there is a coaching change, players can transfer, free and clear. This whole jump ship whenever is not teaching these young people responsibility and accountability for life choices; and how to work through adversity and perseverance. I get it if they are not getting a fair shake, but this transfer portal thing is out of control.
  8. I think we can’t place too much stock in last years performances. Golesh has a completely different style of offense and pace. I think it’s an open competition because each QB needs to be evaluated for how Golesh WANTS to play and then decide how we CAN play. We cannot have a QB by committee, it never works. We said this last year and it was a disaster like it was the year before that and the year before that. By week 1, there has to be a commitment on one guy and you go from there. If by week 6, it’s been a disaster, then talk about making a change, but not before then.
  9. No, but I have been to Central Michigan and Western Michigan during lean years and they still had decent turnout of students. Maybe it’s a regional thing, but logistically, it can’t hurt, haha.
  10. Yes, but students can walk over to the stadium, still hungover from Friday night rather than have to muster the energy to catch a bus, it will help you out attendance during the lean years.
  11. I find it interesting that a coach from Tennesse is so excited about a 35k OCS and not playing at Ray Jay….. just sayin’ haha
  12. Spot on!! The kids that make it to D1, especially G5 and above were one of the 2 or 3 standout star players on their HS teams and sometimes all-county or state. 90% of these kids believe they can make it when they start their college career. I would bet it’s not until their Jr or Sr years that they start to realize if it’s realistic or not.
  13. 100%!!! I have lost patience too, I am trying like heck to hold onto my sanity, haha. It’s getting quite difficult as of late.
  14. I understand your point. While I believe basketball teams can do a fast turnaround, I wouldn’t jump to conclusions that he maybe a bust if we are sub .500 after year one. We could very well start out slow, but if by the second half we are rockin and rollin, it’s fine. Also, he just needs to land 2 scorers and a stretch and we can be .500; and it sounds like we have one piece already.
  15. Honestly, Tchewa I would like to keep, but it is what it is. In terms of a rebuild, we were never built to have anything to rebuild. This program has been broken for 10 years now, so nothing is lost with kids transferring out. I also think it’s not a bad thing for CAAR to get his kids right from the start. Won’t really delay anything and he can get everyone on the same page from day one.
  16. Completely agree, I have always been on the side that universities should educate and sports are an extracurricular activity like in HS. With the NCAA, CFP, Conference Expansion, it has just created a bloody mess and we have lost cabin pressure. For football and basketball, the vast majority of these kids are here to get to the pros, not for an academic education and that is the reconciliation we need. NIL, stipends, it’s all moving to the same end (paid employees).
  17. Look, let’s just call it what it is. Power universities need to ditch the NCAA, ditch the “student-athlete” title and partner with NFL and NBA teams and create the “development” leagues that it is. Pay the kids like minor league players, NFL and NBA teams get affiliate universities and everyone can get paid and not worry about these stupid rules. I’m a purist, but even I can see that the true student-athlete was phased out decades ago.
  18. Haha, man, I remember in the mid 2000’s when ESPN had the “best” helmet poll and we were somewhere in the top 4 and Rocky was a fan favorite. It’s crazy how much hype we had back then.
  19. Buddy, I’m with you. I love CBB, and 2012 was the best experience in college sports I have ever had!!
  20. If we were making fundamental mistakes across the board, cleaning that up alone will make a huge difference. Attention to details will help the defense with techniques and positioning, which with proper coaching can come along sooner than later. I’m actually hopeful for this year. 6-6 is my hope.
  21. Fair enough. I am intrigued with the upcoming season. I think we can finish middle of the pack or a little higher.
  22. Understand the logic with this, but I think Houston was better than all these teams, FAU got in a roll. The AAC is a better basketball conference than where they are all coming from. Kids are transferring and leaving for the NBA, they will not be as good this coming year. Cincy is historically good at basketball and Houston is usually better than not, year in and year out.
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