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Everything posted by Minotaur

  1. June 10th? Today is June 30th! How do you go back in time and beat people to the punch? Great job Greg breaking the story, but its nice to finally get a feature story and only a paper the size News-Record could find the space. BTW: I like the 6 page sports pages the Times has been putting out lately. It helps me get along with my day. Nice meeting you yesterday, Gator or not.
  2. (image removed voluntarily, sorry guys i didn't know you already removed one) You guys, either justifying or excusing him, need to think about more than the football issues. Think about this kid and his future too. People have probably been excusing him his whole life. Keep making excuses for him and he will probably turn out to be a piece of ____ criminal. Hold him accountable for his own good and the good of the program. Throwing him off the team is probably an overreaction and not going to help anyone anyway. But make the punshment hurt if he is found guilty.
  3. Good event, glad to meet some of you. I play golf like Rod Smith calls plays . . . . i have the good sense not to do it as my profession so I got that going for me.
  4. This kid could go downward fast. He needs a wake-up call for his own good. If he wants to play football at USF he need to remain spotless for the rest of his career. I mean drugs, women and grades. I hate the way we bend over for some kids. CJL does a good job getting them out when they blow up on a large scale, but this may be a case when we need to show some CRM backbone. WWCRMD? Nike: How those #4 jerseys selling now? Hot as Duke lacrosse? **** LOB beat meat to it. New nickname C-Smoke? Off Topic: Looking at my old site I found this old logo I made. That was when I was still in form.
  5. Go Hawks!! BTW: Whats with Dan Patricks hair? Grow old gracefully dude. Gotta go to bed and get ready to kill the ball tomorrow at the around the horns. Congrats SoJo!
  6. Now I officially hate love professional drafts.
  7. Idea #1: How about a pledge drive or a paid/donation driven request campaign. Collect money pregame/at the entrance to the stadium/in season ticket mailer. Give fans (generated from a very casual survey) a choice of music they would like to hear played at the games (or even not played at the games (ie: Queens BR) then ask/charge $5 per vote. Include a spot for write ins and let one ballot be drawn at random to lead the band in some superflous thing. (onto the field) Explain that it is a fundraiser for the HOT Uniforms and you only need to raise $150,000 and I'll bet you will be surprised. Challenge the greeks. Hell tell the local gators they can get you to play thier fight song for $150K. Then tell Terry he can stop it if he raises more money. That kinda thing works. I paid $40 at Howl at the Moon to get some Yankees fans crap off the board and replace it with "All Yankee fans are jack-offs. New uniforms on the way! I bet you could raise $5k on NO ELTON JOHN votes alone. If you need help I'll volunteer some time.
  8. I think that the first steps were more easily recognized. Who could forget their kids first step, but who recognizes when they shave 50% off the time it takes them to get from the kitchen to the living room? The first steps were larger but easier too. We had a size advantage over the I-AA schools. Speed and talent gaps over them too. Now we are playing from behind and trying to shave off .10 off our forty time. Its hard and harder to recognize progress even when your making good strides. They are good but not the leaps we took in the beginning. USF will get there in due time. Be patient, we are only a super recruit or two from taking a GIANT LEAP onto the national stage and gaining momentum that will erase all this regression talk.
  9. Got a couple polos at Sports Fan Attic. Big sale here is a link to one. http://www.sportsfanatticshop.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=8989
  10. LOL I am sure thats right. It has to be better than that shows. It could not be worse.
  12. Yes, Woolard did a good job... a good job I do believe he is doing a spectacular job, really a spectacular job.
  13. University of Colorado vs any Big East team Notre Dame vs Miami South Carolina vs Illinois Bufs vs BE: I want Jim Leavitt to be forced to break down a Dan Hawkins' offense. Middle Tennessee got us this crapfest offense so I would hope Hawkins high powered offense (that works) would help CJL make a change.
  14. I don't think USF will get ranked higher than "others recieving votes" for a couple more years, no matter how many games they run off at the start of a year. The preseason/early voting is a popularity contest and calls for a steady climb through the ranks of the reporters/voters and goes something like this: Talented Group of Youngsters, Diamond in the Rough, Sleeper, "Our Pick," Underachievers, Defending Conference Champions, Ranked for Ever. I think in their eyes we are still a bunch of youngsters. When we win two big games in a single year we may move up to diamonds. Win 2 conference championships and then they will always be afraid to leave you off the list for fear of being made to look ignorant if you win another.
  15. I bet its awesome exploring up there in the winter summer. I was just out camping and snook fishing at Shell Key (Ft Desoto) last Tuesday. I have to go out with minimum equipment. The t120 has a 350 lbs weight limit. I'm 260 so its fishing gear, 2 person tent, gallon of water and "Soup for Me!" Great time even though the misquitos were so thick they woke me up at 2 am buzzing around the top screen.
  16. There are teams, other than those on the USF schedule, that actually play football? Wacky.
  17. Off topic: Yakers unite!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. I was just a boy when the Gators came to my village in their Blackhawk helicopters. The Gators fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my ullwere consumed by the fiery black liquid death. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the Gators were gone. It was on that day I put a jihad on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a jihad on you, too.
  19. I am getting excited, anyone else going to attend? Are there still openings? I am golfing so a warning to everyone else playing: If you are to the right of a short, fat guy with a big mouth please beware. FOUR! In advance. (my 1500 Total Post - man I am way behind)
  20. LOL! He is selling real estate in St Pete Beach. A mutual friend tells me he already has a couple great listings.
  21. I'll pay to watch him line the fields. Put that in the auction and I'll bid $100.
  22. That picture is not helping my case. Its a good thing he is marrying Nicole Kidman and proving that hetro men can be sensitive . . . . Oh geeze . . . I am . . . . screw it back to my Judas Priest and Queen albums. What did you say? NO WAY!
  23. The reason that I tink there is still grumbling is that the choice was made before CEC was not re-signed. That is why I would have liked Urso to get an interview (at least) is that he has been working in this area most recently, he is younger and IMHO his full potential has not been seen. I think that CLP has shown his potential to win national championships at UT and to grow a program at UL but, most likely, he is not going to come in here and blow your doors off and take USF where he couldn't take UL. He does have the hometown connections here which will help him succeed. I think the problem with the hires lies in the fact that it seems like another backdoor, old boy network hire that avoided the "nationwide search" and real opportunity for candidates to interview for the job. That kind of thing has put USF right where it is right now, with dilapidated facuilities, a head coach that coasted for the last 9 years and an unmistakable penchant for underachieving in almost all areas athletic. Thank God for The Jim who shone a light on what could be here at USF. Now we have a good baseball coach too so hoepfully this debate should disappear now.
  24. Bulliever: You should get with a travel company and set up some travel packages for the next bowl game. You could make some dough to help defer the cost of the site, we could all meet and have a better time than the USF sponsored event. I would be interested. . . . . .
  25. When will the players will report? Its 30 days from the first game right? So 45 days until we get some more news to distract us from ourselves? BTW: If I listen to Keith Urban am I gay?
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