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Everything posted by Minotaur

  1. I just placed my last bid. flsportsfan83 $225 is as high as I'll go on this set, so if you want it for $226 its yours.
  2. F-ning fabulous. I cannot type becausse Im still laughing.
  3. How about Ferdinand? Just kidding. How about selling Taurus to the Ford people? Kidding again. How about Gore? (Is it me or does the guy on the panel looking almost horrified at Gore?) Really: VooDoo? No? How about Triumph. Blitz? Heisman? Spike? My favorite would have to be the greatest white bull of all time, my dear old dad. The Cretan Bull, made by Poseidon himself he was perfect and (to make Terry happy) he scored with the ladies, that is until that **** Theseus got him. One day I'll find him and wrap up the family business. Anyway I digress. Really I like BLITZ.
  4. A.) His constant job shopping. B.) Free throw percentage (I think is a good indictaion of the coaching ability) c.) He was over USF and it showed
  5. I hope so, I linked it from the article. He is so cute.
  6. Great news!! I cannot wait to see Rocky-II on the sidelines. <------ He kinda looks like my dad. USF should develop on on campus program to care for Rocky II, similar to the ones at other schools. Have a four year volunteer program that starts with feeding and shoveling and ends with students on field with R-II. It would be a great opportunity to develop student involvement and who wouldn't love a real Bull on campus?
  7. I second that. It was a great event and the dinner was the best part. I think there should be three times as many diners as golfers next year. I also think I should be barred from future golfing, if not for the safety of fellow golfers then for my own. Thanks Eric, it was a good time.
  8. What are you trying to say? I knew lots of good eggs that had 12 kids and still got "fried" and still were great. Every good egg gets fried. Hell they get cooked whenever they can, most just don't get caught. Kids? At least you know they touched some hiney. Thats what is important. Winning games #1, touching hiney #2 and not being a Gator #3. Getting drunk gets an honorable mention because it kicks ass too. Having lots of kids just shows your a man. It doesn't matter if you get married or raise them as long as you can score on the field and and then SCORE IN THE BED! Have I told you about any of my good scores lately? Its all good as long as you throw that "d" and rock the skillet. (And are not Gator eggs of course)
  9. Objection: Leading question. I take refuge behind the Fifth Amendment, as it is my right to do so.
  10. Its hard to believe the guy died of lung cancer, almost every picture I can find of him he is smoking.
  11. WOW! Optimistic post, great job. I agree that PJ will get most of the playing time this year. PJ looked most in control of the offense in the spring. I have given up on getting this, gulp, "offense" changed. No point in debating it, its our albatross and I'll wear it proudly. So PJ knows it better and can protect the ball and score 10 points so he is CJL's dream QB. Even if MG wins the job in 2/days he will be on a tight leash, and he doesn't know the meaning of playing it close to the vest. Its a wide open offense scheme that is being steered from the top like it is a ball control offense, which spells doom for 90% of all QB's and short term doom MG. He will ride the pine until he gives up his playmaking urges on offense (3b below) and settles into the BULLS offense (2 below). I see us 7-4 or 8-3, bowling either way so its a good season. I still say the #1 job for 2006 is to get a QB groomed to make big things happen in 2007.
  12. Simpsons 94 yard kick off return against UL to bring the lead back to whopping, putting them back on their heels again. What happened to that guy anyway . . . . . oh.
  13. Seems like this incident has already run its course. Why debate substance control, sling mud or debate legal arguments? I am glad that CJL acted swiftly (and appropriately IMHO) so we all can get back to the issue at hand. HOW AM I GOING TO WAIT 62 DAYS FOR FOOTBALL SEASON TO START?
  14. Get the USF flags and super soakers ready to blast those Seminole on the highway on the way up to NC. They will represent so I hope USF does as well.
  15. C-420 just made USF better by subtraction at QB and stronger at WR. Its a punishment that will hurt him and hopefully will serve as a wake up call for him. He has to see now that whom he associates with is important. If you want to be out of USF football, just associate with two guys that already "blazed" that trail. (Pun intended) Good job CJL and lets get after 'em Matt Grothe.
  16. You are correct sir. I had a good friend at the game calling me with highlights/updates. I would love to see the game, but I am sure any Cardinals that were taping it destroyed thier DVR's/VCR's. Im in for $20 if I can get the game on disc.
  17. I have a friend that is a graduate of Auburn, USF and now USC (in that order of ascending degrees) and I cannot wait for this game.
  18. LOL! I can see ole man Glazer, half paralized and stuttering from his stroke sitting in his wheelchair in the rain asking for another $100 M handout from the residents of Hillsborough County. Now I feel bad. Maybe we will just set aside a small corridor where nobody goes, out of the rain, from which he can panhandle. Hell well even set up some king of plaque.
  19. If I liked soccer I would be giddy, as it is I am just excited about the Red Division Champions loading up to push the rest of those Big East pansies around. I mean they don't have a chance. Over the next 3 years USF soccer will kick some @#$%^&*() AW NUTS!!
  20. Are you in Atlanta or Tampa? Same thing different states/teams. Sports Radio: Where Idiots Reign
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