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Everything posted by Minotaur

  1. Huge part of todays sports page. Cannot believe it wasn't posted.
  2. One sure way to get CJL NOT to do something is to tell him to do it, the second is to keep pestering him about it. I think this has been the undoing of some good players and good coaches here at USF.
  3. Now I believe MG will get copius playing time, because CJL never tells the truth at these things.
  4. Make some $$ out of it . . . . let the masses do the dirty work with a cash ban as discussed.
  5. You have to love the love that they have for the defense. Without a first class D I am afraid we would be doomed to 3-9 year. I love it and I bet so does CJL. BTW: Who coaches the special teams again? LOL I bet this is already on the bulletin board. Doesn't CJL open and close practice with special teams? only to be ranked 7th.
  6. Hofstra. Closing out the season with a chance to go to a playoff game and USF laid an egg. Gio Carmazzi (aka: Pizza Boy) threw and ran all over our great defense and I had to eat **** to 3r20. God bless him whever he is nowadays. Still makes me. Close runner up: Troy State road game when we were up by 3 tds and blew it. Southwest Texas rocked. I danced in the rain and some **** student drank all my tequila that was keeping me warm. Great game. (Sheriff: Did you take liqour from a stranger that night?) Worst TV loss: UConn. Disgusting. Beaten by an inferior team with so much on the line and showing absolutely the weaknesses that we had (probably still have) at QB and OC. We were exposed.
  7. 5 "Awfullys" in that paragraph, CJL is in mid season form.
  8. Does that mean he won't be winning those multiple Heismans he spoke of on the CJL show? ****. Good luck C-4. Hope to see you next year.
  9. :'( Im so proud that someone still uses that term. Thank you E.T.
  10. Amen. Its funny to me how arrogant we got in so short a time, and with very little to base it. Its like the BCS opened up and suddenly we don't care what a horrible system it is and we are somehow ordaned and accepted. I still stand against the BCS (ps if you do not and did so before there is a word for that kind of thing) and I am still for scheduling as many nearby rivals as we can, because if you haven't noticed our "nearest rival" in conference is almost 900 miles away. Schedule UCF from now until the day that FSU/UF/UM want that spot on our schedule, especially if ESPN wants to show it every year.
  11. USF assistant AD John Gerdes When did that happen? Bejeeezuz.
  12. Playing in a 600 person poker tourney (finishing it for cashcow) and went from chip leader to low man and now back up in the last 60 people. I get grumpy when I get sucked out on. Sorry Ronnie. You did a great job. Thanks for playing at USF.
  13. Still can't play Qb, but I bet he is fine . . . . Whoa where did that come from?
  14. thats was my favorite game as well. I loved heckling Bower and Nutter. Nutter Bites was the theme of the day. Oh how sweet that missed field goal was . . . .
  15. Steve, its summer. Its all good, at least until we lose a game. I am worried about your stamina. How will you berate "Jewelmiste" in November at this pace?
  16. You think its limited to USF? Optimistic. I would bet smazza is already complaining that his next 4th of July hamburger (still a calf) hasn't been taken off its milk diet yet.
  17. Silly? Tragic. USF should try and retain the bloodline and then sell breeding opportunities to USF alumni ranchers or UCF women.
  18. I am really done. I bid and then I thought that I am just costing us money. My max bid is the $225 I posted and I will not re-bid after that is passed. I got a lot of USF stuff already.
  19. Navin: "Hey Harry, look at this! What's the matter with these cans?" Madman: "Die milk face! (more cans pop)" Navin: "These cans are defective - they're springing leaks! Come over here and look at this!" Harry: "Listen, you better run for cover or you're going to spring a leak!" Navin: "Huh?" Harry: "We don't have defective cans, we have a defective person out there!" Navin: "He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!" Madman: "Die gas pumper! (the glass on a pump breaks)" Navin: "Get away from those cans! (Navin runs inside the station)" Navin: "There's cans in there too! (the gas station window breaks)" Navin: "More cans!" Madman: "Die you bastard!" Harry: "He doesn't want to put holes in the cans, he want to put holes in you!" Navin: "What?" Madman: "Milk faced bastard!" Navin: "Oh my God, I'm endangering your life! Cover me!" http://www.moviewavs.com/php/sounds/?id=gog&media=MP3S&type=Movies&movie=Jerk&quote=cans.txt&file=cans.mp3
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