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Everything posted by dabull80

  1. Man am I old - I remember Kennedy lighting us up from 3 point range when we played UAB.
  2. I think if there were a BE vs AAC challenge like the Big 10 vs ACC that the AAC would come out on top. Predicting the final 4 this year is almost impossible so may as well have some fun and put all four AAC teams in there. Maybe you will win the Billion !
  3. If you think Josh is the answer at PG I fear you will be in for a major disappointment. I give Stan props for the NCAA trip but that only gets you so far. We are a school that needs to build a team over years so expectations of a trip to the dance every 4 years should be reasonable. Time is running short Stan !
  4. The only bullet in the gun for Barney Fife( Non-P5). Don't schedule the P-5 teams. They are screwed if they can't get those games. All the non-P-5 would have to stand together and either demand a huge fee for games - Million plus - or not schedule them. It would take a lot of balls but it would be the only hope IMHO.
  5. I have watched Perry this year and he seems to respond very well to coaching. He could be a team leader by next year. Still need that 3 point shooter and AC back next year - future is bright. Oh Nice dream so lets start with the next game and win that one.
  6. You guys are tough ! I don't think the article was that bad. Said both USF and UCF had good classes. Pull up your skirts boys.
  7. For a small guy like Dunk that is an amazing increase. 50 #s WOW ! Grats to him.
  8. Geez Just relax - you all sound like a bunch of bitchy little girls. One game - UL has destroyed more then us this year. They just got done smoking Houston just as bad. The Cards go 9 deep and run a pressure-up tempo game. Even the bench runs the same game. Rudd gives up ? Maybe but I think he just gets lost out there at times especially when our offense falls apart. Maybe he isn't the "GREAT" team leader that everyone wants him to be but if it isn't in him you just can't make him one so freaken "adjust". I honestly can't say if Stan is the man but I will say SMU somehow got Larry Freaken Brown and they seem to be doing very nicely with one of the top point guards in the country coming in next year. We have Stan for at least three more years so lets hope he makes this group into what he wants and starts winning games otherwise there will be a lot of crying on this board. Face it - no one is stepping up to write a check to make Stan go away so just relax. Team is still young and there is hope - IMHO. As a matter of fact I will go on record that next year this team is over 500 and the following year they are NCAA bound.
  9. They have been the shining star of USF athletics. Taking my daughter to a few games this year.
  10. SMU is so deep that it isn't a huge break but we should take anything we can get.
  11. I'm thinking showing up at a recruits house with that big old super bowl ring on would have an impact.
  12. Apis you are right and I guess I am in the school of making the adjustments over time. Put in the basics of your system and then get the players so you can run it full time but IMHO I think you have to play the cards you were dealt and the players weren't that skill set so you make the adjustments. That is what I feel a good coach does which doesn't make me right or you wrong but like you said just different opinions.
  13. To me a good coach will use the players he has and put them in the best position to win. Coach did not do that on offense - Failure Went through 4 QBs during the season. Did the coaches not even recognize what talent they had ? - Failure. Defense played ok - not to the level of pre-Skippy years but ok. Taggart was not involved as much on the defensive side - Hmmmm. I went to all seven home games, went to the UCF game and watched two more on TV - nothing I saw all year gave me hope for next year. I will always support our Coaches,players and school but at this point it is tough to even watch the football team.
  14. Loss to Memphis was expected but if you were at the game it felt like they weren't ever really in it. I had hoped for a better game.
  15. The loss to Memphis doesn't look as bad now after seeing what they did to Kentucky. Still gotta remember that we are starting two freshman. Future looks bright.
  16. Don't forget Kayvon Webster - one of CJL's last recruits.
  17. Grats Smazz - I think that puts you over 20k in stupid threads started - Keep up the good work. You get a few good ones.
  18. Very very very painful watching the offense last night. Especially in the first half. For awhile our offense was gaining more yards for UCF then the UCF offense was.
  19. Props to Shadow Bull - he called it much better then anyone else. Plus the few that said we had a chance to win this game ! Good for you guys for not giving up the faith.
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