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I like GOOOOLD (and green)

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Everything posted by I like GOOOOLD (and green)

  1. You think that 10 points is a large lead against Memphis? A 27 point lead almost wasn't large enough against Tulane. Quit throwing stones in glass houses.
  2. Houston seems to play well then fold late. I expect a tight contest then USF pulling it out at the end. This is assuming the passing game gets going, as I mentioned earlier Memphis triple (not double) teamed Oliver and they still only got 30 yards. I expect USF to do better on the ground.
  3. During the Memphis game he was getting triple teamed, shut him down but opened up things for the other d-linemen.
  4. Has Gameday ever gone to an off-campus stadium that wasn't a bowl game?
  5. That's shortsighted. You want UCF to have the best SOS possible leading up to your game with them. Also, any undefeated team ahead of you, you should want to lose.
  6. Regardless of how many were actually there that was the largest contingency I have seen in years. I would be very satisfied with the crowd tonight.
  7. On another note SDSU looks like they might be getting exposed tonight.
  8. I think they're happy with Milton, he's putting up more impressive numbers across the board. I didn't realize how good he was until I watched him play tonight
  9. I agree that each have taken care of business. You look at the opponents though and Maryland isn't that bad really. FIU is actually good considering their conference. I watched a bit of the Navy game today, I don't think you're giving Memphis their due credit. They are the class of the west imo. Houston stands a chance, but really I think the takeaway is that our conference is actually pretty good. Beating Navy is a quality win. So is Memphis, SMU, etc. I don't disagree with your position, it just seems a good opportunity to point out the depth and quality of our conference.
  10. Their opponents SOS is much much higher than USF's.
  11. If we're talking from the perspective of what we've gleaned from the entirety of the season thus far there is little reason not to put them at the top. They are dominant in all facets of the game. They killed ECU in a different way tonight than ECU lost to USF earlier. Transitive property is a slippery slope though, acknowledged. At this point the only thing keeping USF ahead of UCF is preseason favor. I agree with the OP. I disagree with Brybull, I don't think USF's defense is more dominant...I think they are equitable. I don't think Roaming Bull has it entirely right because I think Strong is doing what he can out there. UCF had their third stringers out there in the second half tonight and was still dominating. That'ts the definition of holding back. When did QF come out tonight? It's going to be a great game on Black Friday.
  12. niversity spokesperson Chad Binette issued this statement:“The stadium is safe. We are dealing with long-term repair and remediation issues and our lawsuit is about assigning those costs. Any urgent needs have been addressed. Engineers evaluated the stadium before the season, as takes place every year, and found it to be safe.” http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/ucf-knights/knights-notepad/os-sp-ucf-east-carolina-football-1014-story.html
  13. Non-anonymous quotes state that its completely safe are in this thread. I don't trust a quote if the person isn't willing to post his/her name with the quote.
  14. Not very relevant. When was the last time you think that thing had engineers inspect it or had to abide by safety standards sanctioned by the NCAA and government agencies? I commend your ability to find video of a ghetto rigged bleacher collapse on youtube though.
  15. Not sure about the subtleties of the arrangement but that is much more shrewd than I would have guessed obviously. It doesn't change the original point at all, but that is much less than I thought.
  16. I never thought or said that. I said it isn't that bad, and it's not. You are the one smoking something if you think the powers that be at USF wouldn't immediately sign off on an equitable OCS for the same cost UCF spent (in today's dollars, whatever that is). USF doesn't have any superiority in stadium design holding them back from development. I think it's cool, as do most broadcasters/outsiders. Good, public institutions shouldn't be profiting too much imo. As long as its enough to maintain what they have going and adequately plan for the future-what more can you ask for?
  17. Obviously the cost of construction was not included. The point was that given what they have today the monetary difference of 14mil is negligible and worth it considering the revenue they've brought in over the years and the added perceived value. All they are doing is getting someone else to pay for future repairs. I love Bourbon so I'd be happy to bring some down next year and share. I wouldn't view that as a loss. Remind me later and I'll comply.
  18. Even if it is a million a game, that's two years of rent for RJS vs 10 years of ownership..still a win for them.
  19. You guys are crazy. The stadium isn't dangerous, they are suing for future repair money. Repairs happen every year to every stadium. I would still take their situation over a rental any day. I don't know for sure but I'm willing to be that RJS costs more than 14mil/year to rent. I don't think their stadium is great either but it's not that bad. At the end of the day they have a game day experience and are poised for an upgraded model at any time which is a better position to be in than endlessly discussing feasibility studies.
  20. I'm not trying to sell you on them, I think you're being overly dismissive of one of the more successful G5 programs out there. It would be fun to go play there as well. They would certainly be better than Tulsa, Tulane, and UConn in FB. They'd probably be in the boat of SMU and ECU where they finish middle of the pack most years but have terrible years mixed with good years where they beat people they aren't supposed to. They would bring up the baseline of the conference, not necessarily add to the top of it. Then again, none of the teams we are realistically talking about would come in and would be surefire conference contenders either.
  21. I don't think the question is CSU vs App St. I think the question is who over App State outside of the obvious candidates. App State doesn't have the TV's, but it has the wins. It could be a real football program...better than the current bottom tier of the current conference.
  22. The Village is a step in the right direction but not very comparable at this stage in development.
  23. Aside from the obvious candidates for the imaginary AAC expansion, I think App State would be an interesting addition. They have a traditionally strong program that could grow bigger. It would offer a unique game day experience without having to travel too far. I'd rather the AAC kick out some members and replace them with others. Example, kick out Tulsa and add KU. May not be awesome football but I think KU would actually like AAC basketball better. Out of the obvious candidates I like Colorado State the best. I can see Army and Air Force. I would also see if ND would welcome a quasi guest membership where they rotate out with some of the better performing members and service academies in exchange for one of their slots each year. Worth a shot.
  24. They seem pretty good to me as well. I think they are smaller than most of AAC teams, and slower than some of the better ones. From what I've seen I think USF/UCF would probably crush them. The slate of quality opponents would wear them down imo. Even if they got a win against one of the better teams in the conf there's only a few teams in the league as bad as UNLV or some of the other teams that play on their schedule. Their lack of depth would show through and they would get ground away.
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