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Everything posted by jchem1995

  1. BDYZR. Need to be that team this week. Gotta make a good showing and win. We win.
  2. Glad for our faithful fans told BJM how bad he sucks as he went into the tunnel, me being one of them.
  3. If you could have seen our guys faces after winning a football game it looked like they were the ones that lost.
  4. Our DC doesn’t want to be here and it shows. He’s embarrassing himself and our University at the same time.
  5. If I said at the beginning of the year we would be 7-0 , would it matter how we got there? No. But last night in front of the biggest crowd we have had we laid an egg in the “ come see USF play” community. Gonna be hard to sell that to the casual fan.
  6. Good news though. When I read this thread I thought he had been transferred
  7. It’s all about lowering blood pressure. Remember Cincinnati a few years ago. Putting 50 on them before halftime.
  8. I looked at who they have played and all are pretty good this year. We must beat the breaks off of them, but as El Toro said it’s just not Stongs way. If we are up by 30 at halftime most will sit.
  9. I don’t think they do if he clips 100. And most of all we must a) respect our opponent, b) not play to the competition of our opponent. Strong will let him have his moment but he gets the hook soon in this game.
  10. Let’s bring back bull shark Saturday Night. They can do that.
  11. Okay , so here’s the thing I’ve always taught my children and my other players to respect their opponent you must respect your opponent or you might just get punched. now that being said USF, is going to get everybody’s best effort this season and we just have to be on point ourselves don’t worry about the name just play the game .
  12. Pretty sure Nike has spent a few dollars with this one slogan
  13. Bry, this is the crux of what the poster said. We don’t care about overall marquee wins . They will come and we,lol get them but on the way, Probability says we win a lot, lately. And that is FREAKING AWESOME.
  14. I think Rome is now a part of CBS Sports and thus the love. And I’ll take every bit of it
  15. Oklahoma Texas last week: one of the best games all year. Oklahoma comes roaring back only to lose. Great game but they munched on that L. I bet they wanted to win ugly. I prefer munching on W’s no matter how it’s served.
  16. What a ****. My new found **** head at espn. That guy sucked anyway. He’s just filling that 25 % other component of the TV set.
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