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Everything posted by jchem1995

  1. awe this really sucks. BTW did you see him gobbling his power aid while talking to reporters. Looked like a **** turkey drinking.
  2. Just down loaded it. Very cool. Adidas should hire you
  3. Smazza who are you fooling?You don’t have friends.
  4. And today the online version of tbt, not one word written about our Bulls, just the shitshow in gville . Edit there is one written by fenley
  5. Oh Willie what have done? Should be ashamed of that.
  6. They were there I saw some sweet ass es today
  7. If he really did have his account hacked then ok but if this is really him then this jerk has to go and I mean right now.
  8. I was at thegame and I called both? people pile aaround me were going nuts that I callled it.
  9. Needed that like the desert need I drink. ******* hate these guys, it’s been 5 yrs since I cancelled my paper.
  10. It’s the south end zone general parking. Try to get to the trees for shade.
  11. You are ready for lot 6. The best in the Bulls tailgate .
  12. I’ve got them too. We just need to play our game , not theirs , and play error free football, then we win.
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