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Everything posted by NovaBull

  1. Oh wait, you’re right!!! This man is correct...more HB dives!!!
  2. It’s the actual definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. I’m with you. It literally couldn’t get any worse and it might actually be fun to watch!
  3. This is just pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Has a coach ever been fired at halftime?
  4. Remember when our offense looked like UCF’s? Man, those games were fun to watch.
  5. It’s now pretty clear why UT let this staff walk. Boy was I ever wrong in thinking CCS and company were ever the answer here at USF. I’m so sick of our players being put in position to fail week in and week out. This is all this staff knows and it’s just not good enough.
  6. Yep, you can have one corner defend three receivers usually because the spacing is so poor due to the route design. It’s clear Gilbert is just not very good at his job. Also, why are we running our smallest rob between the tackles in the red zone all of the time?! Oh yeah, when in doubt, refer to “Gilbert is just not very good at his job.”
  7. That’s awesome, I’ve never been that lucky (or early to rise!). And yes, the Bernheim is a wheated whisky (over 50%), with a pretty clean, if not lighter finish. It’s a nice sipper for a lower priced bottle and IMO, worth having on the bar for a change of pace. Happy Turkey Day and be sure to have a few swigs of the Pappy 15 for me!
  8. Impressive, I need to find your bourbon contact and see if they ship to South Florida. Im currently enjoying some Blanton's (had to overpay to get a bottle of it since the fire). I just got some Bernheim from Total Wine - not bourbon but pretty good stuff.
  9. Is there any Pappy in that cellar? If not, I’ll take some Colonel EH Taylor or Elmer T Lee...I’m pretty easy!
  10. I’m with you on that point as well. Don’t let them shoot a three when fouling gives them only two shots. The old school way is don’t foul and play straight up, but the new school way (and the odds) tell you to foul.
  11. Good game for our Bulls today, just not quite enough gas left in the tank to close it out. That Georgetown team has some real NBA talent (Govan and Akinjo) and our guys proved they were up to the challenge. Not quite there yet, but light years ahead of last year.
  12. 100? 1,000? 1 million? Two out of every three plays is a run up the gut in this offense.
  13. 100% agree. I said this in another thread to Brad and it’s complete coachspeak horsecrap.
  14. Prescient...yet so obvious that only the smartest of men will ever figure it out. Find the best available runner who is serviceable throwing and he can dominate the AAC. So what if he’s not a “next level” QB, he will be a CFB legend.
  15. I personally haven’t seen enough of B.B. to make a determination either way. He’s really only 10 games into his college career (or finishing up his freshman campaign as far as games played goes) so I think the verdict is still unknown. What I do know, is the predictability of this offense, mixed with the difficulty of these throws (why is every throw an out or go route?!), makes it a steeper learning curve than most.
  16. That “my guys” line is complete and utter ******** every time. That means either you’re so inflexible you don’t know how to adjust or need a culture of players bending to your authoritarian will to succeed that your ceiling will never be very high in the first place. A truly great leader finds individuals strengths and then puts them in positions to utilize those talents to the best of their abilities. Based on the past season and a half, plus the three at Texas, I just don’t see this staff ever adjusting. It’s time to go poach an exciting young OC from a big-time program who needs a springboard into the head coaching position.
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