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Everything posted by NovaBull

  1. Yep, sounds like it’s pounded into them week in and week out - to the point they truly believe it’s actually their fault. Im sure there are a few guys in that locker room (from the sounds of it, more than a few) that don’t buy this argument and are beyond frustrated. These young men are doing their best and yes, sometimes the execution isn’t there, but I got news for CCS and CSG, even if the execution had been perfect on some of these plays, they still would only go for 3 yards! This playbook is thinner than Kate Moss after a coke binge and to place the blame on the execution is pure horsecrap. These plays will never work - they didn’t work at UT in the Big 12 and they don’t work at USF in the AAC. But hey, maybe they work in Pop Warner...
  2. More like “veering” into traffic and “shooting” ourselves in the foot!!!! (I’ll see myself out now)
  3. Ah gotcha, I thought you had some insider info that you were sharing with the board. Im of the persuasion that we clean house (except King) and move on to start anew.
  4. Hmmm, interesting. Are the Guys looking for just offensive change or an entire staff turnover?
  5. Yep, this is the AAC, not the SEC. Fast turnarounds are proven and not really that big of a dice roll IMO. CCS and co. have shown me they aren’t up for the gig (personally, it seems like he thinks hes above the job), and we need to cut ties.
  6. 100% agree. An OC from a P5 school would jump at an opportunity to lead a team of their own. They know they have to start somewhere and USF is a great launching pad for just that. Talent-rich area, semi-soft schedule, and some university name recognition. That’s the sell in my mind at least.
  7. Eat a dik, fukkface. Now go back to your community college in a cow pasture
  8. Clutch play of the game goes to myself for turning off the game and heading to Ichicoro for some great ramen, a Kirin and a date with my fiancé!
  9. By kicking it out of bounds and putting the momentum back into the hands of your opponent immediately after a good score?
  10. And just like that we kick it out of bounds!!! This is a comedy routine, right?!
  11. Holy ****!!! A passing td?!?! When did the refs allow the forward pass?
  12. Idk, I’ve seen some pretty interesting drying patterns while watching paint dry.
  13. It’s definitely worse than my local HS football team. St. Thomas Aquinas would mop the floor with these guys!
  14. Wow, that was pathetic. Kean couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat.
  15. Considering the routes are all 2-yard outs that’s pretty good!
  16. Needs more runs up the middle!!
  17. Throw in a Floyd for good measure (commences gouging out own eyes with a spoon)
  18. All of our games now. I’ve seen more action in the world chess championship.
  19. LOL, that’s right! In an alternate universe, Sterlin is leading this same offense to a #1 ranking and pummeling Alabama as we speak.
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