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Everything posted by NovaBull

  1. Time to pick it up guys! Need someone to step up on O and lead us to victory.
  2. Anyone know the record for lowest combined point total in the shotclock era?
  3. Holy cow we look lost out there. Guys, 12 points isn’t that big of a lead. I chalk it up to being young and not quite understanding how to put a team away.
  4. Well now it won’t thanks to your announcers curse!!!!
  5. These guys have to be our spot up shooters for the team to have a chance to make the jump from decent to good. Rideau and Collins can create off the dribble, Yetna, Durr and Kiir are the finishers around the rim and Lang and Brown need to be the sharp shooters.
  6. Do we have ANY shooters on our team? Why can’t anyone hit a wide-open three?
  7. Not to be a homer, but these refs are horrendously bad. Talk about homecourt advantage.
  8. If they hit even 50% of their free throws it’s a win today. That being said, I have faith these guys will get this together and solve the problem before the year is out. Keep playing hard and getting to the line and good things will happen.
  9. Tough loss today against a bubble tournament team in their home. The first half was ugly, but man these guys came out firing in the second half and just never let up. A few possessions away from taking this game, which IMO, they will be able to pull off with more experience next year. Free throws....yeah. Let’s leave it at that. The law of averages say this will turn around, and when it does the W’s will flow like water!!!
  10. Dang it!! I thought we were going to steal that one from Tulsa. It’s encouraging that our guys didn’t play their best, but they kept fighting and were in it until the buzzer. If they keep playing hard, crashing the boards, and can just begin to shoot at even an AVERAGE clip, they will be a tough out for any team remaining on the schedule. Go Bulls!!!
  11. We need Brown or Lang (our best shooters IMO) to get a clean look for 3 here.
  12. Unfortunately, we gotta play the talent we’ve got. These guys have some real potential, but there are definitely going to be growing pains along the way. Also, this logic would mean that you would have never played Shaq...
  13. So says “New England” Bull...I’ve got my eye on you NEB!!!
  14. We have to get Laing (or another shooter) going from 3-land. The zone is sinking and clogging the lane, not allowing Rideau or Collins to drive and get easy shots.
  15. Our boys have to start hitting some 3’s and getting some easy buckets in transition. All in all, for as bad as they played though, down 5 isn’t too shabby.
  16. Is anyone else’s feed bad? I’m watching on Comcast (in South Florida) and it’s constantly cutting in and out (shakes fist at ESPN).
  17. 100% agree. The kid is long, athletic, has good hands and can shoot it a bit as well. He’s going to be a double-double machine for the next year and has the potential to play in the NBA if he continues to develop.
  18. Great job by our guys tonight. UConn wouldn’t go down without a fight, but we just kept our cool and got plays when we needed it.
  19. I have it on good authority that Urban Meyer is going to be the next OC...the master will now become the pupil.
  20. Man that gif is sad as it just brings to light the fact that this was the last time anyone on the USF sideline was allowed to have fun.
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