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Everything posted by NovaBull

  1. Under. This team has lost all semblance of an offense and a defense. Not sure what team everyone else was watching but the last 6 games I saw were some of the ugliest and disinterested football I’ve ever seen. The changes at this point are like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic...welcome back to ugly, undisciplined, boring and just plain bad football.
  2. Speaking of a bull statue, I got married this past weekend and my groom’s cake was USF-Bulls themed. Here it is in all it’s glory (shout out to the Artistic Whisk in St Pete!)
  3. I just posted this in another thread, but I have a solution to said problem...King and Kinnan as co-offensive coordinators. Let the architect of the Gulf Coast Offense pass his knowledge on to King and then in a couple of years when Kinnan is ready to retire, King will take the full reins - maybe even stepping into a higher role (HC anyone) if it goes well.
  4. King and Kinnan as co-offensive coordinators. Let the architect of the Gulf Coast Offense pass his knowledge on to King and then in a couple of years when Kinnan is ready to retire, King will take the full reins (who knows maybe even into the HC role if it goes well).
  5. Agreed. We’re most likely going to lose to whomever we play, so might as well be to someone that we were not expected to beat anyway.
  6. Looks like they got the wrong Mack listed above. We love you Elijah, but you’re no Marlon.
  7. I’m with you. Any successful OC or DC would definitely consider the HC position at USF. It’s still a great stepping stone and gets guys exposure to Florida ‘cruits.
  8. It’s called “the yips” and some of the best in the game get it. Steve Sax, Chuck Knoblauch, Rick Ankiel, Dontrelle Willis, John Lester - all of them All-Stars at one point in their careers - have had it. It’s a mental block that doesn’t show up until the spotlight is on (in some cases after being super successful at the same task thousands of times) and really what is needed is a sports psychologist. But I digress, catching a football is part mental and part physical, and when the pressure is so much that you can’t mess up without coming out of the game or being chewed out beyond belief, the result is usually a drop. It’s just like playing not to lose or thinking to hard about a route, block, etc. CCS and staff have made this a tough environment for guys that were used to a more laxed, “pick you up when you fall” environment of the xCWT regime.
  9. IMO, CCS seems like he doesn’t want to be here and like he’s just not head coach material. There is nothing wrong with either of these things, except that he IS here and WONT change his attitude towards recruiting/leadership/game management. So as far as I’m concerned, we have to cut him loose now - before he does more damage to the program - and bring in an up and comer who’s excited to be handed the reins and who actually wants to recruit and lead. I still think CCS has some years left as a DC, probably at an upper tier P5 school (UM, FSU, Tennessee, WVU, etc.) but he’s proven after 9 years that he’s just never going to be a super successful HC.
  10. Wait, never mind. Looks like he was the 9th overall pick in this years MLB draft and wil forgoe his senior season to play baseball with the A’s. Anyone have a spare couple million around to pay him to come to USF?
  11. Perfect, his name is Kyler Murray and he already plays at OU. Lets see if he’s up for transferring!
  12. Looks like Mike is his brother and according to Wikipedia, is making $550k per year. I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to bet a guy like that would take a 3x raise and a shot to run a team of his own in the AAC.
  13. Wow, that’s a shocker. No chance he comes here, but I would take Kliff in an instant.
  14. I saw one UCF fan punch a baby, while another pushed an old lady to the ground and then a third say that Publix subs were trash and that they preferred Blimpie.
  15. Cale Gundy, Co-Offensive Coordinator at Oklahoma. Co-leads the highest scoring offense in the nation and they always have a dual-threat QB (similar to USF). https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/ncaaoff
  16. Uber is way too good for that performance...Gilbert can go hitchhike
  17. This^ I highly doubt he would go rogue and start calling his own plays in order to spite CCS or CSG. Its an unfortunate fact of life, but you do what the boss says (within reason) if you want to keep your job.
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