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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I just read this... I'm glad that USF will be part of Tampa's new center
  2. We are an ideal program... all the right tools are here... Someone just needs to put it together
  3. I don't even care about an OCS anymore; more than anything -- we need to get into the P5
  4. CWT did the job he was hired to do... Now, we have CCS w/ a great contract -- let's just win that conference championship (and get NY6)
  5. You didn't hear? The feasibility study is nearing a conclusion!
  6. An example of how tough our IN conference schedule really is... compared to "top P5 teams"
  7. Exactly. We may have a HARDER schedule, but not in the eyes of the P5. AAC is small time, like the rest of the G5 (from their view) Example: Houston 2016-2017
  8. Zero chance for USF? No.. ZERO chance for the G5 There is ZERO margin of error - and good luck getting a good schedule (AAC teams to risky for the top P5 teams)
  9. CFP chooses teams that travel well Ohio State fans travel better than Penn State fans...
  10. That's why, in an 8-team (5/2/1) the entire G5 should lobby for one auto bid, since the P5 (even the Big 12) gets an auto bid, with 2 at large. We give the P5 more autonomy and we get thrown a bone. That's how this has always worked.
  11. 2007 we had a better opportunity 2016 we had a better outcome...
  12. Not going to happen... even if we 'qualify'... we don't bring enough fans for the CFP committee to consider us for a playoff spot... you might see a 'runner-up' P5 team take it instead.
  13. If we were P5, that record would have us top 10.
  14. No room for ever with G5 teams... They will never make the playoffs
  15. I said this before, and I will say it again --- No G5 team will make the playoffs No room for error -- CFP only cares about schools that have fans whom travel well (*cough OSU)
  16. OCS or not, our biggest problem is getting fans to the games... For our success, we need more fans showing up!
  17. Penn State should have been there over Ohio State period.
  18. ^this is all that matters to me. Winning the conference is our priority
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