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Everything posted by SpeedyBull

  1. Was so excited to see him on last night. I miss having him as a bull. Hope he has found his spot and sticks.
  2. Not sure about tune in but cbs has their own radio app. I listened to it last year to get radio in the house before I got internet hooked up. They also have a live stream you can listen to.
  3. So Bullwinkle this could be a magical run for USF to go to the last bcs nc game? (please don't wake me I like where this is going)
  4. I think if our defense is all that it is supposed to be we will be just fine and this will be a fun game to watch.
  5. Looks like we found a replacement for Futgers in the new conference....
  6. I would be really excited to see him come here. He may not be CWT's style of QB but he seems to have the heart and desire. If he is athletically able I am sure CWT could train him to be a good qb. He would really have the chance to help transform our program and make an impact, something I have a feeling he would want to do to make his mom proud. Time will tell but this guy just attitude wise is leaps and bounds ahead of litton.
  7. its bench or bobby imo Why just because he can catch? lol Thought Matt had the better field awareness but lets be honest we are probably both hoping for bench.
  8. That analysis is deserved and could also be beneficial for us. Hopefully it motivates us to step up. I am with Danm on this, it could pose to be a trap game if our boys can get to it in fall camp. I am really hopping Bench or Matt get it figured out by then.
  9. This. I just can't wait to get my butt in a seat and watch some football!
  10. http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/bulls/full-disclosure-my-american-preseason-football-ballot/2133752
  11. Oh god, here we go again, let the butthurt begin. Please not 200 pages this time. Kid does know it isn't April right?
  12. I may be dreaming, but I hope we found a diamond in the rough. Imagine if CWT attaches himself to the program regards of money and decides to make this a more permanent home. I know he hasn't won or lost with us yet, but I believe over the long term he will prove to be a great coach based on his values.
  13. I think he just wants to see his thread break AW's record.
  14. Or SEC, or BigX or ACC. I'll be honest, I miss the Big East patch.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXcgsrw3nVg
  15. I don't see how it is a slight or a disadvantage for USF to offer and not pull him in. We were not even expecting his transfer as a possibility until recently. Would he be a boost? probably, but the end all be all of USF football? nope. Hope he comes here, but if not GL on turning his life in the right direction. He is just one piece to a much larger puzzle and I think we have got an under the radar Coach that is going to blow up along with USF football. These are going to be an exciting next 4 years.
  16. You missed all the fun of blowing up the other blogs. http://thebullspen.com/index.php/topic/91923-to-honor-the-american-espn-has-removed-them-from-their-blog-site/
  17. You know Tagg could have given him of list of things he wants Dyer to do to prove he is on the right path. Kid could just be buckling down and doing what Coach T (or another coach) asked and is doing it quietly. If it is meant to be it will be. I think we have a lot to offer but I can also understand where we can be a bit of a risk. We have the potential to make a great story beyond just winning and turning a team around. It could be turning point in a young man's life.
  18. Wow great vid!! Maybe in a way it is good we fell apart last season. To make us want it like we have nothing to loose again. At least we got the completely melted down part out of our system. Time for the rise!
  19. Well I guess we have 2 more days of speculation... About the pissing matches... I would venture it has to do with the sports dry season, if your not a baseball fan right now you have nothing. I hope it will be better when we actually have games to talk about and tailgates to plan.
  20. Well... I doubled my donation this year. Who's next? Maybe if I get some more raises I can move over another section next year.
  21. I am excited enough to spend 3500+ on tickets this year, not even touching tailgating supplies. Super stoked to pull out the new (tome) smoker and party it up with my friends in green and gold. I think Taggart is going to do well restarting the program and he is hungry to make an impression. I think we will win 7-8 games this year, maybe more if Dyer comes in. It was just 2 years ago we were **** close in all but 1 of those games and I think the bulk of it fell on skips decisions. I know we have been over the questions at QB, but I think we will be adequate, not NCS contenders but it will be an about face from last years fecal explosion. I think our RB's will finally bloom and we will be pleasantly surprised by our offense.
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