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&rew Bull

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Everything posted by &rew Bull

  1. Taking away? Do you guys still not realize that he was going to Nebraska anyway? Carnes just wanted USF in his back pocket in case Nebraska didn't come through. USF coaches didn't want to be used. Wake up a smell the coffee. The competition that I was referencing was Landi.
  2. The actual attendance on Thursday was 29K, but 44K seats were sold. http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?gameId=322570058 (bottom of the page)
  3. I think that the third level is open because of season ticket sales. I'm not sure how many people the lower bowl holds, but with 44K seats sold, they had to be close to capacity. Several of those season tickets come from the 3rd level.
  4. I was talking to Bull-By-Marriage about this the other day. A big mistake made by the coaches was taking away BJs only competition at the position. While we needed the numbers at WR, we could have had a QB competition every year with Landi as the number 2 guy. It would have been a fun 3 years of the two of them competing.
  5. You're talking about Nebraska's WR, right? http://journalstar.com/sports/huskers/football/2012/arkansas-state/red-report-carnes-tries-hand-at-wide-receiver/article_85d98f07-48ef-517a-ba8b-e83ea8f52729.html I'm not sure that he would've been much of an improvement over BJ.
  6. Didn't I contact you about these a couple weeks ago? I don't want to turn this into a discussion on the board, just want clarification. PM me?
  7. A war flamingo escaped from its pen and made it out to the corral
  8. The penalty did not negate the return. The rule of a muffed punt brought the TD back. I watched a replay this morning, the call on muff or fumble could have gone either way. He started running, but he did not appear to have full possesion of the ball.
  9. Not just the spectacular catches, but was it Davis that dropped one the most perfect passes that I've seen BJ on the streak down the far sideline? I never saw a replay but it looked like it him in the hands and in full stride .... and please spare me the "shocked" comments. The pass was in clear view for me. He just dropped it. Players are going to drop the ball sometimes, it just sucks when it happens on what would be such a big play.
  10. I saw Freeman in the West Club area... He seemed pretty neutral as he was putting condiments on his hot dog. Before heading to the West Club, he was on the sidelines with Rutgers.
  11. Can someone that saw this game on TV comment on this? I had a good view of that return and did not see the fumble. Since they didn't show very many replays tonight, I wasn't able to see it on the jumbotron. Was the ball stripped from his hands directly into a Rutgers player's hands?
  12. Let the day of hanging out on TBP at work begin! GOLD!
  13. What? There is plenty of room to build more dorms on campus. Isnt the plan at some point to demolish the older Andros buildings and build more mega-dorms like Juniper-Poplar? Yes that is the current plan... they are slated to demolish the old Andro's complex and replace it with some kind of a new dorm and a strip of shops (Publix, restaurants, and some small shops)... there is a rumor that Gray's bookstore will move over to the new shops. I've heard about the shops before. I'm not quite sure how that will work, parking wise. Everywhere else on campus requires a permit to park. What would stop people from parking there all day? As of 6 months ago, all plans for new housing had been put on hold and had no timeline for being planned. Housing has seen a lot of budget cuts over the last few years.
  14. I think I'm going to get one of these for The Sheriff when he comes to town http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=flamingo+costume&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1422&bih=665&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16258752362702252532&sa=X&ei=ugJRUJS9CdKA2QW0v4Eo&ved=0CGcQ8gIwAA
  15. We do. The confirmed list for FSU is already twice as long as this one though.
  16. 20 prospects!!?? this stood out to me too. Names? I think part of the point of that tweet was to get people in the site to view the other prospects that will be at the game.
  17. Definitely have him do that. Those seats would be empty, otherwise.
  18. "This is not a thing" "Its your thing" Is it or is it not a thing? Your statement confuses me. Why don't you just let those of us that want to participate do it? I think that people accept that this isn't a university tradition. However, this is something that those who are interested would like to become a tradition. Its random. Its stupid. It makes no sense. Its something fun that some want to do. With that said, I ordered my flamingo a couple days ago and hope to get it in time for the Rutgers game. I hope to use it to identify myself as a member of TBP.
  19. This watch party was a good time. Headed over to Corbett afterwards for the soccer match. The energy definitely carried over to soccer.
  20. I'm happy to see them having a good time, but that was terrible...
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