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Everything posted by hm101

  1. Who magically become 4 stars when they commit to a big name school... I actually worry about all the great coaches in the state now. competition is stronger than it was 4 years ago
  2. So we dont know who is coming over and even if they do, they could leave and Strong could be stuck with a tiny assistant pool in years 2 and 3? seems unwise...
  3. I don't understand why the assistant pool is so small and gets so big later on
  4. I will always be fond of West Virginia people and football. And the state really. Minus the coal. Meh I like the coal too.
  5. Chatter on twitter about the DC spot at OSU. Most likely just people wanting him to get a look for the spot, nothing material.
  7. Just disappointed in the WAY we lost. Even when we lost last year, like at Navy, we still looked *in it*. Today we looked dead. But overall I agree, we can still win the division and that's all that matters.
  8. GOOOLLLDDDDD Let the haters hate. It's all good fun.
  9. http://www.outkickthecoverage.com/espn-loses-1-5-million-subscribers-as-cord-cutting-accelerates-052816 They lost 10m subscribers since 2013. No sympathy... ***k em.
  10. Agree with smazza, I am not 100% convinced we need to win necessarily but we need to show up and how we can support this team. NO GETTING TOO DRUNK TO GO INTO THE GAME you know who you are.
  11. I found some up here in NYC. Granted it's 16 bucks a 6 pack, but I found it.
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