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Everything posted by hm101

  1. Great community to be a part of over the years. Looking forward to a great season.
  2. Love that attitude. I sure as hell remember McNee... ah I can't even say it. The-school-who-must-not-be-named
  3. I thought Reaves just stepped in late in the game to call a few?
  4. Oh my god what a game. Incredible. Anyone else want to join for a rewatch tomorrow I will likely be putting it on again tomorrow at 4ish
  5. That OT pass by Flowers. Amazing. I mean, I want to show my grandkids. And I dont even have kids.
  6. I like the David Reaves play call of the QB sneak at 3 and 2
  7. Touchdown... unbelievable. EDIT and a godd@** 2 point conversion. Oh those cockcs...
  8. No one told me we botched it and they returned to the 2 yd line... ugh
  9. I fast forwarded to the fourth quarter. FUmb;e USC at 4 min! Recovered by USF! We doin' it!
  10. Official rewatch thread happening. Pissed at that first interception and fumble. Oh boy here we go...
  11. More than SEC school. And not bad for Bham on a weekday. More worried about the **** game. Hoping for win numero 11.
  12. We're not going 12-0 every year. I just want him to be consistently good, run a clean program, and give us the occasional big upset or championship
  13. Been through a lot as a fan. Vibes couldnt be better now though. Buying bowl tix tomorrow!
  14. Jesus this board is gonna explode if/when the thing is announced
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