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Everything posted by TheUpperHand

  1. Pictured below, D'Ernest Johnson in Sterling Gilbert's "three yards and a cloud of dust" offense.
  2. Tell them to get back to work; those toilets aren't going to scrub themselves.
  3. It was a frustrating, emotional loss to be sure. There were huge implications had we won. After the Rutgers game I was pissed at what slipped through our fingers but felt it was an anomaly and we were going to have a special season. Our worst loss came in 2013. Fresh off two straight awful losing seasons under Holtz. USF football was at an all time low. The Big East conference was dissolved and we were relegated to small time football. There was a glimmer of hope. Willie Taggart, an enthusiastic young program builder stated his goal was to win multiple championships at USF in a first class manner. Maybe it was time to believe again. And then McNeese happened. Blown out by an FCS team in a home opener when we thought we were already at rock bottom. Remember this?
  4. TJ Weist if he's going to bring back the GCO and hire a decent DC.
  5. Especially concerning since Major Applewhite is a first year HC and CCS has been in the game longer than I've been alive.
  6. I disagree. This is the same staff that caused Texas to lose to Kansas for the first time in 80 years. They haven't learned a **** thing. It will be business as usual Monday.
  7. It won't. They'll blame execution and it will be business as usual Monday.
  8. I'm sure Tom Jones et al will be singing praises of our "nice little program" tomorrow.
  9. Chickens coming home to roost. Offensive play calling and effort that many have been saying are fine is going to bite us the first team we've played with a pulse.
  10. We're tied in the third quarter! That means we can use some of this secret playbook we've been hiding all season!
  11. Basically... So what if USF has crappy facilities? So what if USF has bad attendance? So what if USF is always going to be small potatoes in college football? Let's just accept USF for what it is! I don't know that I'd call it a "positive" article. There's good things in there but it's still a bunch of jabs disguised as praise. Does anyone really think the local media has come to a moment of self realization? Say we lose to Houston. Are Jones et al going to write about how we're still alive in the AAC/NY6 and that the War on I4 could be the highest stake game in our history? Or will it be a told ya so article about how USF proved in front of a sparse RJS crowd that it wasn't ready for the big time and is losing ground to UCF who we beat 64-12 ten years ago?
  12. I was under the impression that the government pays for it and flyovers are used for training purposes and help them meet the required flight hours.
  13. In anticipation of the arrival of D'Ernest Johnson, the governor of Louisiana has announced a state of emergency and is prepared to declare Yulman stadium a disaster area .
  14. What if the marketing department is purposefully limiting itself so UCF won't have a strategy to counter it later this year?
  15. Tom Jones disparaging USF? ... Its not unusual.
  16. Sterling Gilbert is forcing it to settle for a field goal.
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