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Everything posted by slowdown

  1. To be fair I don't think QF blocking is ever designed nor is it probably coached. That's plain old hustle and grit. Nonetheless in general the entire offensive skill players do well blocking downfield.
  2. If Strong is going to bring a Briles guy on it's not going to be a hard transition. The offense will have a lot of similarities and those guys are having success in year one implementing that offense. If Strong was seriously thinking of keeping anyone I think it would've leaked out by now. And dont forget Taggart may want to hire some of the current staff too.
  3. That is not the 2016 Texas staff. They brought in Sterlin Gilbert and Matt Mattox for QB/OC and OL respectively. Clay Jennings was the DB coach this year and has already been hired at Houston. The WR and RB coaches were different but not sure what their availability right now is.
  4. he did okay in the Big East. I don't think the expectations are that high for UConn football. Are they content to appear in the conference championship game every ~6 years and make a bowl 80% of the time? Probably. Edsall fielded some of the most unwatchable football in recent memory with his UConn teams but they treaded water.
  5. if you are into motorcycles or cars in general, I saw some pictures of the team visiting here: http://www.barbermuseum.org/
  6. Going through Atlanta is all about timing. But you can get to BHam about five different ways within 15 minutes of each other. Get off 75 in Tifton and take that road through Eufala and into Montgomery and catch the interstate. Or get off in Tifton and head towards Auburn and catch the interstate down into Montgomery and then up to BHam. Or from Auburn take 280 through Sylacauga into Birmingham. Or get on I10, get off in Cottondale, up to Dothan then through Troy to Montgomery. I prefer the last way.
  7. You forget that with an OCS we would've been invited to the SEC over TAMU, we could've hired Harbaugh instead of Holtz, and we would not have lost a game in five years while playing SEC powers every week attendance would surely be 110,000 a game reliably
  8. But how do you know if you can afford it or get the backing quickly without a feasibility study
  9. "Some manifestation of the air raid offense...hopefully a more balanced" The further you branch out from Mumme and Leach the more balanced these guys are getting. Semantically at some point I guess you don't call it air raid at all. And Gilbert is more of a Briles guy which is kind of its own thing so throw at Air Raid altogether if you like. My point was these Texas offense guys are running offenses that are very proven to produce year after year through player turnover. It's producing in their first years coaching at places too. So I'm not too concerned that in year 2 when we lose QF( and maybe Marlon if not this year). we probably aren't going to fall off the map offensively with one of those guys leading the offense.
  10. I'd be surprised. If CWT is going to still be running the offense it seems like a loaded hire for a position coach
  11. I don't even think other offers would necessarily have to be less, just in the same ballpark to appease Texas. Someone could have offered him $2.5 million to scrub toilets in Antartica for the next two years, and just because its the best money doesn't make it the best job offer for CCS, their has to be some allowance for personal judgement there.
  12. Certainly I wasn't in the room either, just found the range of emotions on this message board, other message boards, and twitter to be hilarious. Some people thought we would get a $1 contract and then when it was reported that there was a snag many people acted as though Texas had some sort of veto power and could stop USF from providing a backloaded contract. Meanwhile actual clear thinking business men made the deal that suited all parties. Texas really isn't getting shorted that bad though. Their weren't a ton of options that would've provided Strong more total compensation over the next two years and in the end that is Texas's only true interest. Seems like we(CCS) flexed on them a little with the contract we got but chalk that up to PR costs for them.
  13. Yep. I was laughing at all the people who thought Texas had a strong say in the contract talks. All we had to do was be Strong's best overall offer and then be close to his best offer the first two years. Texas wanted a deal to happen and besides USF, only Temple and a bunch of DC jobs were open.
  14. If Strong brings Gilbert and let's him do his thing we are going to be running some manifestation of the air raid offense...hopefully a more balanced version utilizing a mobile QB. those offenses have proven to be effective fairly independent of personnel. I'm really not concerned with the offenses future. of course I would expect some regression but like you say we have so much potential improvement on defense to offset that.
  15. He is making $511,000 right now. Seems high for us to match but we don't know how much of a bump in the assistant pool Strong may get. I would say doubtful though
  16. Let's let Judson take the 6,000 mile trip to Eugene, Oregon first before we decide it is a done deal.
  17. Larry Scott could be a terrible OC and/or their might just be another obvious slam dunk hire available if and when Strong left. And their is nothing to suggest that a successful Larry Scott would be a lifer here either, especially under the current conference alignment.
  18. negative. if we made the Strong contract back heavy it was to take the money we save the next two years to pay him more the last three.
  19. 850, and it was a three year deal. They have the same full buyout and 50% offset from a new job, according to this article http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/big12/2016/11/26/charlie-strong-fired-texas/94149314/ Matt Mattox also had a three year deal. Not sure about the other guys
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