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Everything posted by tampajo

  1. usf will rarely be mentioned because of usf's rinky dink schedule we beaT 3 NO BODIES Beats 3 losses to 3 nobodies. Let's walk before we run here....
  2. Great post. I feel validated by your 500 words telling me that whatever freaking time you listened to this jackass matched exactly the time I was listening, and you, of course, have divine intervention AND recollection to ensure you are right.  You sound like a wife to me, amigo...or is it amiga? Oh, and thank the bra for weighing in, I guess I should clear the ear wax out of my ears, given his validation of your omnipotence.  Anyone know a good EN&T to help me out here? Wow, while your at it, did your eighth cousin tell you Mac was a great hoops coach yet?  Interested readers want to know.....
  3. Mac makes the Jim look like Bobby Bowden, can't wait for BBall season.
  4. #1 in tampa bay he's the tallest midget of the crowd, he's not LA. a blowhard, jackass who revels in being a contrarian. he does a remote from the rattlefish, i've been down there tossing a few back in the afternoons, er, at an early business meeting, and seen him multiple times dining solo...sorry, with all his friends. he's a stroke.
  5. there is no buddy in it at all. just pained respect, at a maximum.
  6. Ahh, ok, I did indeed miss your point.  My apologies. Who wants to start photoshopping bottles of Jack Daniels into Smith's hands?  ;D I don't even know how to make fun of Kansas....so I might have to do some post game photoshop on  Keith Smith, or whatever his name is to bide the time ;^) heres some ammo Yeah...... Thats alot of man.  Holy ****, if you looked close, you might think that guy ate Amato........
  7. I am sure he was kidding. Greg is one of the good guys. This is a freaking FREE COLLEGE BULLETIN BOARD...a man should be able to give and take some **** in life, and certainly on here, more than an average amount.  Too many folks getting wrapped around the axle here....... >  Sorry to burst any bubbles here, but why not express freely, this is only a GAME boys.....
  8. Butt Cupps? WTF? How befitting....hell, why don't you guys move some of the garbage off the local back 40 behind the trailer park, draw up some yard markers in the dirt, and roll out the old pigskin there?
  9. It's sad how many of you just assume it's a Brett and Leavitt thing.  Trib's got a crusade- I am still waiting for the super top secret boostre that's buying out Mac and hiring Huggins- he ain't around because I know that for a fact, how about the crappy Cardeiri articles....  And that blog, the dude had Illinois games listed their too, but that hasn't been signed, and he didn't bring up that a one-for-one was an alternative to UCF.  Oh, and did the thought cross some of you simpletons that possibly the 2nd return games for some of those were penciled in for future years not included in Brett's 'discovery'. Oh blind, dumb USF fans, walk into the light, walk into the light, walk into the light.... I've never seen more people so bought into a media guy that's given not a shred of proof....'freedom of information act'.... don't make me barf.  That's a potential list of scheduled games in which many have yet to be signed.  So he got Woolard's sketched notes from the 'freedom of information act'? Whew, take an extra hit of Diovan before you head to Orlando, and maybe breakout your old worn out CD of "Anger Management" for the ride as well............
  10. Those are terms that represent what UCF used to be called and names that were thrown around a while back as possible new names .... Florida Techinical Unversity/Orlando College/Orlando University ..... I think those are right, anyway. if anyone knows of any other names ftu/ou/oc  has considered there is no reason not to add to the three we all ready have that whole ftu/ou/oc string is priceless. props where due. hopefully you can add another one or two misfires with your latest pleading....
  11. Hey, how about some biased coverage for a favorite state school (e.g. THE BULLS) to goose readership? The Trib seems to endlessly follow that strategy with the Gators.....
  12. I think he gets preferred parking at the Democratic National Convention and gets to sit in the St. Pete Times section at the DNC.
  13. I will be completely honest with you and say I wouldnt expect a team as bad as played USF last year. The team has made alot of improvements since then. At the same time, I am not trying to talk them up, just saying it should be a fairly even match. SHOULD BE Thank you very kindly for your thougths, but we really don't care what you ftu/oc/ou nutswingers have to say. Please go home to your trailer.
  14. Yes... how could Mac allow Curry to hurt his achilles... its all Mac's fault... even thoughy practice doesn't start for another month. Do you guys know how absurd you sound?  Injuries happen... do you know where this happened?  playing or lifting?  was Mac present at the time?  did he spill water on the playing floor making it slippery?  that is how Collin Dennis was injured in a game... sweat on the floor.  Did mac make this happen? You are just whining for the sake of it because you dislike Mac.  End of story. Listen, I'm sure old Mac has got all 14 schollies handed out and we've got bona fide Div 1 backups set to play at all positions, so a couple of poorly timed injuries won't be any big deal............why worry, this man has shown an impeccable ability to manage his roster throught the last few years. Where's that contract extension draft?
  15. We don't care about your opinion, jackass, go back to  your trailer in orlando.  Hey, good thought, though, maybe The Jim should pop up with, oh, say, a few lies at the outset of his press conference to spice things up? That work pretty well, you think, Mr. Media?  That AA in Marketing at ftu/ou/oc should take you to fame and fortune, Billy Bob.  Look forward to seeing you spinning a microphone on your nose on "America's Got Talent" next year..... wow-- is this what we're missing on the smack board? The guy even gave CJL an A+ -- Consider the source.....Trailer Tommy likely doesn't have the rest of the alphabet memorized beyond "A". Smack board? Not that familar with that one.........
  16. We don't care about your opinion, jackass, go back to your trailer in orlando. Hey, good thought, though, maybe The Jim should pop up with, oh, say, a few lies at the outset of his press conference to spice things up? That work pretty well, you think, Mr. Media? That AA in Marketing at ftu/ou/oc should take you to fame and fortune, Billy Bob. Look forward to seeing you spinning a microphone on your nose on "America's Got Talent" next year.....
  17. If you aren't a student, where should USF fans buy their tickets? what sections should we shoot for? Anyone there.....Bueller?
  18. I was at the game, what did Gachette do? Also, don't forget Randolph, that guy could be on my 4x100M team any day....
  19. We're not a bad SunBelt team. We are a young SunBelt team. We are a young DI-A team. We are a young NCAA team. Heck, we are a young school. We will have our bumps and bruises along the way, but we are not a bad team. We are a team that is looking for an identity. Unfortunately so far this season it seems that our identity is becoming the "unable to convert on PAT's team." Yes you are a bad sunbelt team, and we're only marginally better....take your whipping and move on. P.S. I hope you are #1's mom, so you won't have to work any more when he "graduates" from school....
  20. Thanks for the replay, as soon as I saw him smothered, I reached down for my rum and coke, er, beverage, only to see this guy running directly across the field at me, then up the sidelines for a touchdown....UGHHH. my only hope was the never ending what looked to be an orange on about the 20 yard line which I hoped was a flag, but alas, wasn't..............
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