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Grateful Dad

TBP Subscriber III
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Everything posted by Grateful Dad

  1. Well, that took a sticky decision away from CAG. And he gets to preview Brown.
  2. I would choose B. Getting us to Preeminence and AAU doesn't qualify an administrator as a failure. I think it makes them good at their job. I love football as much as the next person but saying that an academic institution should pull its resources from academics to put into its football program is to misunderstand the primary mission. We may have one or two football players who go on to the NFL and benefit from doing that. But there will be thousands who will benefit from investing in academics after they get their (increasingly valuable) degree. Looking back, if I couldn't develop both, then I would do what was done. Elevate this university fifty spots in the USN&W report. Then, focus on sports. Football has provided me with entertainment. Academics provided me a way to recover from a disability and get back into the workforce to support my family so I could afford to watch USF play football.
  3. I don't remember anymore...are we a football program with an academics problem or are we an academic institution with a football problem?
  4. She's had it tough this past year. I hope this is the end of all that crap and she can get back to normal.
  5. I'd like to give a shout out to your wife. When we have major stuff like this, they go through Hell, too. I think it is worse for them. Hang in there, Mrs. T! You are getting our prayers, too.
  6. Excellent. Just need AF and we get the Commander's Cup along with the Army-Navy game. I catch those games, anyway, when they play.
  7. Some of us can remember fondly a time when we were able to stand for extended periods of time. I can barely make it through a pee anymore...
  8. Yeah, I could go with Berryhill. Thinking he may turn into something for us.
  9. You need to post this to the main athletics board, Dude. You are in "The Trough" right now.
  10. Maybe we decided to win a game or two before engaging in the bravado. Toning it down?
  11. You'll be shredding leads with @Dave_Glaser in no time at all!
  12. You may be misjudging John. That was a little tough to read, actually. Other than that, I agree with a lot of your post.
  13. I'm sorry, Peat, but I did know what you meant. It's just that I was at every one of the original series and I saw first hand what their fans are like and I'm too old to put up with their crap. Afraid of playing them? Not a chance. I want to be far away from them so no one confuses the schools anymore.
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