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Grateful Dad

TBP Subscriber III
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Everything posted by Grateful Dad

  1. I love it. Back to basics is exactly what this team needs and should be reflected in the uniforms.
  2. It's sad that dignity is placed so far down on the list of priorities. It is what it is.
  3. I call Bulls Hit. Those of us who don't dare hope need your posts!
  4. Once Aamaris Brown is 100%, I think we see him as the third. With that combination, we could be very good. Berryhill was out of position a couple of times during the game but he'll learn. They'll all get better.
  5. I don't know, Steve. Good experienced coaches weren't exactly knocking down our door. And we have had good luck (once) with a coordinator. It's just going to take time. I think once we saw that we had a chance to be good, patience went out the window and some people want national relevance this season. I see improvement and that is reason for excitement. The achievements will come.
  6. Now you're talking! Gumbo and Goobers! Just made some last week.
  7. They have adjusted the weighting on the criteria but I don't know how that influenced our score, or if it did at all. This ranking is fantastic and something to be proud of. I'll bet we jump again next year. I wonder what the correlation is between this scale and AAU membership. If they correlate highly, then we should rank 2nd or 3rd in the state.
  8. I just looked. There are no lines on my rice papers. Just an old French sailor on the cover.
  9. Against Alabama, no less. This is going to be fun to watch. I'm keeping an eye on Berryhill, also.
  10. I'm proud of this team. It was surreal to see people in our uniforms sacking the QB and stuffing runners. Holding my head up as a Bulls fan after this one. All I ask for is improvement and we saw lots of it.
  11. Well, this the my halftime cigar this week. And it's a Toro! Go get 'em, Bulls!
  12. I appreciate the "Purist" approach - I often take it myself. However, practical considerations factor in. We're not talking about college football or our Mighty Bulls. We're talking about an entertainment industry (television broadcasting) taking away enjoyment of their own product to increase revenue. In their model, they remove all of the enjoyment down to the level where fans will start dropping off and then stop. Purist fans will impugn the fandom of anyone who complains, aiding the networks. Human beings, being quite adaptable, will learn to live with the reduced enjoyment and the line will then be moved down. But it is still enjoyment lost. It happened with cable TV. Commercials were not as common as broadcast TV in the beginning. And then, it incrementally advanced. Like boiling the frog. Ok, no big deal - nothing lost. Well, I remember when we didn't go to commercial break after every punt or kickoff. Injuries and long reviews were when you got most commercials. During that time the network used the time to speak about your team to all viewers, update you on other games going on, and explain details about the current game. You know - things I used to enjoy. It's not just longer overall game time. It's a further removal of enjoyment. Removal of enjoyment will often elicit complaints. Go figure.
  13. At home, either. It seems like they shortened the game and increased the commercial count to use up the time saved.
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