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Grateful Dad

TBP Subscriber III
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Everything posted by Grateful Dad

  1. I'm excited! That's my coach! We're the Fricken Bulls! Now, go win!
  2. Cool. At one time, the Hernando County Alumni Assoc. met at a Beef O'Brady's in Brooksville for watch parties. Behind the restaurant, there was a pasture and a young Brahman bull. I was told that this was the mascot being raised for the USF football program. He would have done great but I never saw him again toward the end of the season. On an unrelated note, our linemen looked bigger later in that season.
  3. I don't see us 20 point underdogs to Auburn if this all comes true. If we achieve enough to get that bowl, we will be a lot more competitive than -20
  4. You guys are **** scary to someone who already has buyer's remorse.
  5. This program badly needed a plain spoken, blue collar, no-nonsense but caring coach. A breath of fresh air. If Taggart hadn't thought of it first, tradesworker blue collar shirts would have fit his approach. I was a tradesworker for half my worklife. That'd be a good "work shirt" for fans. Green instead of blue with USF instead of company patches.
  6. Yes, I kidded 79 Bull but when the OCS is built, and students need to merely stumble to the games, the student section will be packed. I don't think they will be the problem. Getting the community at large involved will be the challenge.
  7. Being an old guy, I never liked the shield because it was the wrong kind of bull. But I lost that battle years ago.
  8. Me, too. I guess it shows he has more confidence and control. It's great to see.
  9. I am reminded weekly of my role when trying to coach the coach through the TV. I think my wife may have pointed it out once or twice.
  10. I guess patsy but Lol. You're talking to the wrong guy. I am so purchase risk aversive that I'll probably worry forever that we can't pay for it. But look at you all conversation starter and all!
  11. I hope they wrote that in pencil cause that number is going to keep going down.
  12. Well, I think the author is wrong and his mother dresses him funny.
  13. Just burn it all down and get it over with. The sport as we knew it is gone. Next, the athletes will push to be considered employees, unionize, demand benefits, etc.
  14. At least with the PAC2 I would be able to name all the teams in their conference. You know, on a good day.
  15. It's beginning to look like we may have the means to do just that. Wouldn't that be cool?
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