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Paisa el Toro

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Everything posted by Paisa el Toro

  1. I saw improvement. We didn't roll over in the 2nd half. These next two games will be great barometers of progress.
  2. Call me crazy, but I was expecting less of a USF presence. Hated seeing that much orange and blue throughout and in the student section, but we've got to work on rebuilding this fan base.
  3. I saw decent to good play calling this week. The execution needs work, but there was incremental improvement there. It wasn't until uf's 3d or 4th stringers were in that we looked somewhat similar in size. Holy smokes their starters dwarfed ours.
  4. Anything that will help a much needed culture shift. Our issues are really foundational.
  5. MK stated that Athletics was looking into incorporating phase 2 into what is being planned for the OCS.
  6. We need the longer hours considering how the last few seasons have gone.
  7. McMurphy is still breaking college fb scoops though. He may be a bit of a douche, but he still has his sources.
  8. Could be really ugly in the trenches. I'm not expecting anything, other than tailgating.
  9. A lot of things can change between now and 2025. If we can improve the ACCs bottomline, due to a change in circumstances, i stand by being attractive to said conference.
  10. Athletics posted the video on its YouTube page. That video is in another thread on the main board. Glad this was done. Baby steps, everyone. We need to do our little parts to help shift this culture. No one said it was easy being a USF fan.
  11. I think it's set up as a Direct Support Organization, so not subject to sunshine like the rest of USF.
  12. Agreed on a route to the ACC being completely closed off to us. We can still right this ship. Our academics and geographic location, along with a significant athletics investment, could make us attractive to the ACC. I still think the Big10 could do some poaching, despite the "alliance."
  13. Per Weatherford's own statement, more concrete details are forthcoming. What you're requesting is on the works.
  14. Read that the sideline policy has to do with COVID-19 and could be a vestige of the way things were done @ Clemson. NFL players are under a pretty strict COVID protocol, so considered safer to bring around the team. I think this policy should be revaluated when COVID has stabilized a bit. This SARS-COV2 is not going away completely, we just have to manage it now.
  15. It was not. I hope the shift in culture involves being more open to embracing technology to provide more of the fanbase a peek at announcements like this. Will Turner and Matt Baker did a great job of breaking today's nuggets of information.
  16. Lol, consistently faceplanting in conference again over this? Meh. I'm really holding out to see some coaching improvement by FAMU and BYU. I don't think any amount of coaching will prepare this DL to be run on by UF on Saturday. I'm hoping to be wrong, but we lose another one in the trenches.
  17. OL still had Fortin running for his life most of the game. McClain was able to scramble a bit more. Our DL was gassed by the 2nd half. Thought we lost the game in the trenches.
  18. Need to clean up our living room first. Get ourselves in better shape for the next round of expansion.
  19. They've endured three winless seasons in Oveido. We need a serious culture shift at USF and the new prez will have hands full.
  20. He's at Central Michigan now. Less sharks in those waters.
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