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Everything posted by puc86

  1. Nope, we broke them is more fun so that’s the truth I choose to live with. If not for our loss they were on a path to the final 4 for sure.
  2. Sad news for USF nation but at least he got to see one the better runs in USF history since the great CSH injustice and not leave this world wondering if we will ever win another game
  3. Destroy his Ira by bringing in penny stocks to replace his previously performing portfolio while demanding those penny stocks become part of the s&p 500.
  4. I kept trying to tell everyone that VPMK was going to bring in the right people and right this ship…
  5. I’ve made countless lists of things that would be better investments, I’ve explained them in detail but yes ultimately there are plenty of ways to get more attractive to the p5 and still as has always been the case a stadium has never and will never be one of them. What will a stadium ever bring to a conference that makes them a single extra dollar or brings them any more attention? The answers are nothing and none which makes it unimportant. Additionally it brings nothing to us as the only people remotely excited about it are the people that already completely invested. To date no one has offered a single explanation of how this leads to p5 attractiveness and the entire thing seems to rest on UCF has one and they got in, which intentionally ignores the important and valuable things they did like have better hires, win bigger games, have national success and create national discussion. We live in unprecedented times where you can literally buy better players and improve your team by next season. We also have teams undercutting their tv deals to buy themselves an edge or propelling themselves into the conversation simply by making hires. The world is our oyster but we need to be bold and that pretty much never involves building projects years down the road, that’s a punt by people that know the clock will run out before they are expected to march down the field for the game winner they sold. Expansion continues around us and even if a stadium is important, which we all know its not, would anyone actually think waiting three more years is a good idea to finally do something to make yourself attractive? My argument is entirely based on living in the present and the stadium argument is entirely based on a future payoff everyone deep inside knows never actually is coming. I’m not too sure that we couldn’t rely on religion helping us in independence a la BYU because this sounds an awful lot like religion. They say in heaven power comes first, let’s make heaven a place on earth.
  6. Someone needs to start them, seems like as good of a person as any
  7. Yes and that’s why it’s an accomplishment and matters. Someone is leading the FCS in recruiting as well but that doesn’t mean they are going to compete at the P5 level. Being in the top 50 overall means that you could.
  8. Necessity is the mother of invention, we need to really understand what is a necessity in order to get properly inventive. Our ideas of necessities seem more like wants and on par with the rest of my household’s conception of necessity.
  9. I like to compare things to where they want to be, being number one in the G5 doesn’t really matter if it’s a well below all of the p5. The P5 inclusion provides necessary context in terms of value.
  10. I mean everything anyone does in life is an achievement, I’d rather have ones that other people not on the list would want to have.
  11. No I’d rather ignore that list entirely and focus on being top 50 which is an actual achievement
  12. That’s a view I can get behind, really can’t understand the other approach though of only being happy being number one no matter what that list actually is. I guess that’s the same reason I don’t get I don’t care who we beat as long as it’s w’s. Aim for the stars and you may at least hit the moon but aim for the end of the block and celebrating making it out the driveway? Profit?
  13. That does sound much better, if we frame ourselves in that context that’s valuable. Being number one on this list is nothing to celebrate because being on this list is the problem.
  14. Everything truly is a matter of perspective but if you look at the list as going down, while others look at moving up the list if you go to 30k ft and look at everything are we really moving at all?
  15. One man’s great to be atop the list is another man’s **** what an embarrassing list
  16. A record that will never be surpassed, may he always be properly remembered as reigning supreme for that glorious day and atop our record books.
  17. It’s hard to crawl through **** without getting some on you and if you live In **** for a decade it becomes really hard to tell where the **** ends and you begin
  18. That’s a good trio of fans, have fun
  19. not today, much like Andy sitting up on the roof top drinking beers with the inmates on this glorious day we are back in the Beast.
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