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Everything posted by ZeroBullChip

  1. So does this mean there is a flood of USF fans that will not be attending the game?
  2. They did sound pretty good. I stalked a couple evening band camp practices.
  3. really?  I knew PS2 was MIPS but I did not realize that the play was that much better than a PC game.  I feel old now.
  4. If that is what live gamplay is like on a 360, I am now $500 poorer.  That can't be accurate because PJ is threading a needle too many times.
  5. I admit, I only read the Times for their sports photo editor.  Who would have thunk.  Media General is evil.  Long live the times. I sound like lotsabull99
  6. Wanna put any money on who initiated that series. Could it be the children of the poor?
  7. Second off, you're gonna learn to discipline your image. You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here? Rex: Take a look at what I'm wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it. Last off, my students will learn about self respect.
  8. My sympathies. It will take me 5 years to erase those bad memories, but hey, it was still in florida.
  9. I bet they are plotting to build on theland next to the river. Wasn't there some reason they could not?
  10. Luther Campbell from 2 Live crew was on Stern this morning where he basically admitted and then tried to back track that he has intentionally been paying UM athletes for their services. Pretty interesting. As a public service I already emailed the NCAA
  11. That doesn't give you the right to the same thing on Brandon's board. I was banned while taking classes at UCF no less.
  12. But I don't have 5000 posts on an opposing teams board.
  13. I like how they carry the theme from the Athletic Center to the sun dome and other venues. It's going to look nice.
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