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Everything posted by ZeroBullChip

  1. Fans of FSU are limp wristed attendees of the Florida womens college. Fans of UF are at least men, slimey reptilian men, but men none the less.
  2. Don't you have an athletic village where all the good little UCF fans can huddle and stroke, while sipping the grape koolaid? Why do you need to post here?
  3. You better listen to Mav, afterall he has over 5000 posts.
  4. There are around 4 million people in our DMA. 3.2 mill in the MSA.
  5. Don't believe the Orlando Sentinel! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/axtaxes/message/2021?viscount=100 Note: For the time being I am contractually obligated to tell you to read the Tampa Tribune. Buy 2 or 3 subscriptions in fact!
  6. The funniest part of this thread is that there was a previous thread indicating a new "Band" message board. Why are there 10 pages on the band posted here. This criticism is coming from an original member of the Herd (sousaphone)
  7. It's politics. The same reason why schools located to our east are getting med schools instead of improving the existing ones. There are a new breed of von-schlick meisters that took over when they abolished the BOR. USF lost it's favor.
  8. There is no way in hell that is real. But it is funny!
  9. Thats an insane argument. People in Tampa will show up if USF wins.
  10. If that this is how you define "suck" please sign me up.
  11. All sorts of pics of the original construction of USF http://ipac.hcplc.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=W1426U0C09343.5369&menu=search&aspect=subtab32&npp=50&ipp=35&spp=20&profile=dial&ri=5&source=%7E%21horizon&index=.BB&term=university+south+florida&x=21&y=8&aspect=subtab32
  12. They intentionally neglect facilities at USF. There was some article about that before.
  13. How about actually maintaining the exterior of the buildings!
  14. Orlando folks always change the terms in the middle of an argument. It's the only whey they can win. BTW doesn't this poster seem eerily similar to someone else?
  15. The way that is worded sounds like these "friends" may not have any relation to USF. Guess Brett should check on that.
  16. Unfotunately I've dealt with him on more than one occasion and he is certainly no Donald Trump. All things aside, yes DT orlando is under rapid development as they do not have the hurdles that the ARC and city council throw at developers here. I think that the developers are more willing to put their neck out in the Orlando market for that very reason and have come up with some very nice designs. I really don't think the DT orlando crowd is young or gay. The segment they are building for are the empty nesters from lake mary and other areas away from the urban core that have big houses and money to blow, and middle manager jobs. The problem is that besides thornton park, the people that currently hang in DT orlando have more in common with the ybor city riff-raff we so often complain about here. I'm sure when the megaplex and all that other stuff is done the downtown scene will change. I lived in DT Orlando for the last five years or so. I got to see it change from a ghost town to a decent hangout! Do you think its a coincidence that a building mysteriously burnt down right in the heart of all that development? The government there is EVIL! On a side note, my job is just across the river of the trump site so I'll get to take some pretty good snapshots of that thing going up.
  17. Well I can tell you the "mogul" of all things dt orlando is the biggest ***** you will ever meet. I'm not naming anyone, but he owns most of the bars and is party to most of the development. I've had a couple of run ins with the dude and all I can tell you is he must be over-compensating for something.
  18. You don't want to start this argument on this board. especially with me. They are building 300-400ft buildings in DT orlando, but multiple reports have indicated that the bubble is starting to burst ie they are not all getting built. There are height restrictions that will not allow tall buildings. DT orlando is a joke. The mayor and some of the city council folks are criminals over what they did without public discourse. Just wait and see.
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